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时间: 2018-06-28 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

When Disney announced the sequel to Wreck-It Ralph people were excited. 当迪士尼宣布电影《无敌破坏王》出续集的时候,观众们都为之振奋。 When they revealed that the film would feature all of the Disney princesses together for the first time, they were overjoyed. 在迪士尼发宣布所有公主都在这部电影中齐聚,他们更是大喜过望 And when a promotional poster of the princesses wearing lounge wear was released, the internet almost broke. 一张公主们穿着便服的宣传海报一推出,就瞬间引爆网络。 But on closer inspection, fans have noticed something strange about one princess in particular. 不过仔细一看,粉丝们发现有一位公主看起来有些奇怪。

Disney fans have called out the company and accused them of doing several things to alter Tiana's features. 迪士尼粉丝喊话,称他们把蒂安娜公主的形象做了改变。 Princess Tiana, the star of the 2009 film Princess and the Frog, was Disney's first black princess. 蒂安娜公主,是2009年上映《公主与青蛙》的主角,是迪士尼的第一位黑人公主。 The character is celebrated for bringing diversity to the Disney world, but now many are worried she's being 'whitewashed' as her skin appears lighter in the new movie, than it did in her own film - and even than it did in Wreck-It Ralph 2's original trailer. 这个角色让迪士尼世界更加多元化,但是众多粉丝担心,相比原先的老版电影,这位公主在《无敌破坏王2》的预告片中,肤色明显被“漂白”了。 Fans also believe her hair has been changed and her nose has been slimmed down. 粉丝们还认为她的发型变了,鼻子也变小了。 Another commented: "I'm extremely confused as to who this is... was Princess Tiana's skin tone and dark hair too hard to digitalize?" 还有一条评论:“我完全迷糊了,这个是。。。难道蒂安娜公主的肤色和神色头发很难数字化么?” Her thick Scottish accent has bemused viewers online and is being made into a meme. 她浓重的苏格兰口音把观众逗乐,还被争相模仿。

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