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忙碌的作文:A busy day

时间: 2018-05-29 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

关于忙碌的作文:A busy day

After a eek’s ork e ant to enjoy the eekend, but I don’t. Because the students have an exam at this moment.

hen the students have an exam e ill spend the busiest time. The students are very tired .

This morning the alarm clock rang several times. I had to get up quickly and dressed up briefly and ran donstairs to get my bike out of garage, rode it as quickly as possibly. Because of careless, I slipped on the icy road. My keens hurt. But the time is precious, I must climb up quickly to go to ork or I’ll be late. So I touched my left knee and shake. Luckily my bone didn’t hurt. I as happy to ride to school.

hen I got to school the time as early. I ent straight to the canteen. I hurried to have porridge and steamed bread roll. I quickly salloed the food I as cheing. I didn’t salloed pletely I ent out of the canteen to the small meeting room. hen I ran to the second floor I sa a headteacher , I realized I asn’t late. This time I as relaxed to alk to the meeting room .

The leader of our group began to keep track of our attendance, then e ent into the examination room.

The ne day starts at 6: 30 I don’t kno the time hen e ill end. I ish I ould be a luck person ho can spend short time to finish our task.

riting in the examination room at 6:50 , December  4, 2011

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