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报告显示 95后平均在职7个月后就离职

时间: 2018-05-24 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

China's young jobseekers born in and after 1995 are likely to quit their first job within seven months on average, said LinkedIn. 领英日前表示,中国95后的年轻求职者极有可能在7个月内就辞掉第一份工作。 The social networking site analyzed the public profiles of 150,000 users and found that first jobs are hardly ideal for many. Generally, the younger a person, the shorter the duration of first employement. 这家社交网站对15万份领英用户的公开档案展开了统计分析,发现第一份工作往往不是许多职场人的理想工作。一般来说,越年轻的职场人,其第一份工作的在职时间就越短。 Those born in the 1970s quit their first job after working four years, an average that dropped to 3.5 years for those born in the 1980s, 19 months for the post-1990 generation and now seven months for the post-1995s. 70后的第一份工作平均超过4年才换,80后则是3年半,而90后骤减到19个月,95后更是仅仅在职7个月就选择了辞职。

The report said young people born in the 1990s frequently change their first job because they are more independent, care more about their feelings and seek to realize their own values more than older generations. 报告指出,90后们频繁且短暂地更换第一份工作,是因为他们比老去的一代更加独立自主,更加关注自身感受和自我价值的实现, Another reason is that the youth are savvier in accessing career information and opportunities. 另一个原因是,年轻人获取职业信息和机会的渠道越来越便利。 A higher job-hopping rate also reflects the current gap between education and the job market. 高跳槽率也在一定程度上反映了当前学校教育与就业市场之间的落差。 Due to the lack of understanding of an industry, occupations or enterprises, graduates often expect too much from their first job and quickly find they are unable to fit in. 由于缺乏对于行业、职业和具体企业的实际了解,应届毕业生对于第一份工作往往期待过高,入职后无法适应工作。 The report recommends students gain a better understanding of the job market through internships and work placements as early as possible. 该报告建议毕业生应当尽早地通过见习和实习更好的了解就业市场。

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