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时间: 2018-06-04 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

US President Donald Trump spoke with new Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on phone over bilateral ties and future cooperation last Friday night, the White House said. 白宫方面日前表示,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普于上周五晚与澳大利亚新总理斯科特·莫里森通了电话,讨论了双边关系和未来合作。 In a statement, the White House said Trump congratulated Morrison on his recent election. 白宫在一则声明中表示,特朗普对莫里森近日的当选表示了祝贺。 "The two leaders underscored the importance of the bilateral partnership between the United States and Australia," read the statement. "They also pledged to continue to closely cooperate on priorities the two countries share." 该声明称:“两位领导人强调了美国和澳大利亚双边伙伴关系的重要性。他们还承诺在两国共同的优先事项上继续密切合作。”

Trump last Friday also tweeted, "Congratulations to new Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. There are no greater friends than the United States and Australia!" 特朗普上周五还发推特称:“祝贺澳大利亚新任总理斯科特·莫里森。没有比美国和澳大利亚更铁的友谊了!” Morrison was sworn in as the 30th prime minister of Australia, after winning the ballot for leadership of the ruling Liberal Party. 莫里森在赢得澳大利亚执政党自由党领导人选举后,就任的澳大利亚第30任总理。 Morrison replaced Malcolm Turnbull, who resigned as the prime minister after 45 of the 85 Liberal Party Members of Parliament (MPs) voted to vacate the leadership at the meeting. 莫里森是接替了马尔科姆·特恩布尔的职务。在议会85名自由党议员中有45人在会议上投票退出领导后,特恩布尔辞去了总理职务。

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