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时间: 2018-06-12 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Thirteen new members — including NBA legends Ray Allen, Grant Hill, Jason Kidd and Steve Nash — have been inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on Friday night. But who will be joining them further down the road? 包括NBA传奇人物雷·艾伦、格兰特·希尔、贾森·基德和史蒂夫·纳什在内的13名新成员已经于周五晚上入选奈史密斯篮球名人堂。那么,接下来谁还会加入他们的行列中呢? Here's a look at some of the biggest names that will soon be eligible for induction, as well as those who are still waiting for their call from Springfield. 现在让我们来看看,那些即将有资格进入名人堂的大咖,还有那些正在等待篮球圣地召唤的传奇巨星们。

Shawn Marion 肖恩·马里昂 "The Matrix" was a four-time All-Star and won a title with the Dallas Mavericks in 2011. His career averages don't necessarily scream Hall of Famer, but his longevity and the success of his teams help his case. Marion logged 109 playoff games while taking his teams to the postseason 11 times in 16 NBA seasons. “骇客”是四次全明星,并于2011在达拉斯独行侠队(小牛队)中夺冠。他的职业生涯并不一定会让名人堂为之惊叹,但他漫长的职业生涯和他的团队的成就帮助他配得上名人堂的称号。他出战109场季后赛,并且在他的16个赛季的NBA生涯中,11次进入季后赛。

Kobe Bryant 科比·布莱恩特 Expect a sea of purple and gold in the balcony at Springfield's Symphony Hall as Lakers fans will undoubtedly flock to watch the legend enter the Hall. 遥想在斯普林菲尔德的交响乐大厅中的紫金海洋,湖人球迷无疑会蜂拥而至,观看这位传奇人物进入名人堂。 Bryant is a five-time NBA champ, a two-time Finals MVP, the 2008 league MVP and an 18-time All-Star. His speech ought to be as entertaining as his career. 蜗壳是五次NBA冠军,两次总决赛MVP,2008年的联盟MVP和18次全明星。他的名人堂演说应该和他的事业一样动人。

Kevin Garnett 凯文·加内特 The Celtics-Lakers rivalry might be rekindled simply based on competition for tickets to the 2020 induction ceremonies. 因为2020场入场仪式门票的竞争,昔日的湖凯大战又将战火重燃。 Garnett cemented his legacy by helping Boston to the 2008 title, but his resume includes the 2004 league MVP and 15 All-Star appearances. Garnett headlined the prep-to-pro revolution and left an indelible mark on the way big men play the game. 加内特通过帮助波士顿夺得2008年的总冠军巩固了他的历史地位,但他的成就主要包括2004年联盟MVP和15次出战全明星。加内特(的打法)引领着当时的职业运动员的技术革新,给大个子的比赛方式留下不可磨灭的印记。

Tim Duncan 蒂姆·邓肯 The Big Fundamental will head to Springfield with his five NBA titles, two MVP awards, three Finals MVP trophies and 15 All-Star appearances. “大基本功”将带着他的五个NBA总冠军,两个MVP,三个总决赛MVP奖杯和15次全明星前往斯普林菲尔德。 In typical Duncan fashion, he won't even be the headliner on this night given the star power and loud personalities around him, but he'll also probably be perfectly fine with that. 典型的邓肯做法就是,自己甚至可能因为身边存在的明星和个性鲜明的人,无法成为今晚的头条新闻。可以肯定的是,他对这些都很看得很淡。

Paul Pierce 保罗·皮尔斯 The Celtics wasted no time putting Pierce's No. 34 in the rafters last season, and he'll soon carve out another piece of Massachusetts real estate with a Hall induction. 上赛季,凯尔特人毫不费力地将皮尔斯的34号球衣挂到了球馆里,不久,他也将在麻省的名人堂中获得一席之地。 It should also reunite Boston's Big Three one more time, after that 2008 title they won together bolstered Pierce's resume. He was MVP of that Finals and piled up 10 All-Star appearances overall. 在他们共同赢得了2008的那个支持了皮尔斯的历史地位总冠军之后,绿军三巨头终于可以又一次重聚了。他是总决赛的最有价值球员,同时总共出战了10次全明星赛。 The Truth scored 26,397 points during his NBA career and muscled his way into the conversation for most elite scorers in Celtics history. 真理在他的NBA生涯中总共得了26397分,并且让自己位列于绿军最佳得分手的竞争者之中。

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