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时间: 2018-07-03 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Frank Underwood is officially dead, according to a trailer for political series "House of Cards", which returns to television in November without lead actor Kevin Spacey. 政治连续剧《纸牌屋》的预告片显示,弗兰克·安德伍德已死。该剧将在男主演凯文·史派西缺席的情况下于11月重返荧屏。 The trailer, released by Netflix, shows Robin Wright, who plays Spacey's screen wife Claire, standing by Frank Underwood's grave and delivering a few emotionless words. 奈飞公司发布的这则预告片显示,由罗宾·赖特饰演的安德伍德的妻子克莱尔站在安德伍德的坟墓旁,不露感情地说了几句话。 "I'll tell you this though, Francis," she says. "When they bury me, it won't be in my backyard. And when they pay their respects, they'll have to wait in line." 她说道:“然而我要告诉你,弗朗西斯。当他们埋葬我时,不会在我的后院。当他们向我表达敬意时,他们将不得不排队等候!”

The trailer gave no details of how Underwood dies in the show but Netflix has said that the sixth and final season of the show will focus on Claire's devious character, who became US president at the end of season five. 该预告片没有给出安德伍德是如何死去的详情,不过,奈飞公司表示,该剧的第六季、也是最终季将聚焦于克莱尔的狡猾性格。她在第五季结尾时成为美国总统。 Underwood's death should come as no shock to "House of Cards" fans. Netflix announced they were cutting ties with Spacey in November 2017, days after he was accused of sexual misconduct. 对《纸牌屋》的粉丝们来说,安德伍德的结局应当并不意外。2017年11月,史派西被指控有不正当性行为,几天后奈飞公司便宣布不再与史派西合作。 The sixth season "House of Cards" will be released on Nov. 2 and will consist of just eight episodes rather than the 13 episodes of previous seasons. 《纸牌屋》第六季将于今年11月2日播放,全季长度将为8集,而不是像之前几季时的13集。

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