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时间: 2018-07-09 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has "unwavering trust for President Trump" and wants to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula before the US leader finishes his term, South Korean officials said last Thursday. 韩国相关官员于上周四透露,朝鲜领导人金正恩“坚定地信任特朗普总统”,并希望在特朗普任期内实现朝鲜半岛无核化。 "This trust, despite some difficulties surfaced during the negotiation process between the US and the North, will continue," said South Korean special envoy Chung Eun-yong, who met with Kim in Pyongyang last Wednesday. 上周三,韩国特使郑义溶在平壤会见了金正恩,他表示:“尽管美国和朝鲜在谈判过程中出现了一些困难,但这份信任仍将持续。” Chung said Kim told him North Korea "was willing to take more active measures toward denuclearization if his advance steps could be met with matching measures (from the US)." 郑义溶称,金正恩告诉他,朝鲜“愿意采取更为积极的措施实现无核化,前提是美国采取与他一致的举措。”

Kim said he had "never said anything bad about President Trump to anyone," Chung reported, adding that the North Korean leader expressed a wish to end 70 years of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula. 郑义溶透露,金正恩还指出,他“从未向任何人说过特朗普总统的坏话,”此外,这位朝鲜领导人还表达了结束朝鲜半岛70年对峙的愿望。 Chung had just returned from a trip north to finalize plans for a meeting between Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, to be held in Pyongyang from September 18 to 20. 日前,郑义溶完成了前往朝鲜的访问,回到了韩国。此行的目的是要把金正恩和韩国总统文在寅会晤的计划确定下来。两位领导人将在9月18日至20日在平壤举行会晤。 It will be the first trip by a sitting South Korean president to the North Korean capital since 2007, and the third meeting between the two men this year. 这将是韩国在任总统自2007年以来首次访问朝鲜首都,也是金正恩和文在寅两人之间的第三次会晤。

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