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中国校服受欢迎吗? Is Chinese Uniform Popular?

时间: 2018-11-29 17:14; 作者: 作文网 
In China, students feel so bad about their uniforms, because these clothes look almost the same, which are large size and can’t reflect anything beautiful. But look at the uniforms in other countries, which look young and beautiful. However, the latest news reported that Korean students liked Chinese uniform.

Korean TV shows are very popular in China. We have learned the school life and what they wear as students. Girls wear the skirts and the boys wear the clothes that makes them look handsome. We feel so envious about their uniform. But after Korean students see Chinese uniform, they like it because its large size made them feel comfortable and convenient to do exercise.

Chinese uniform have been disliked by students for a long time, especially with the popularity of foreign films and television programs. As students realize the difference and appreciate western styles, they advocate the school to make some changes. Indeed, some schools have put forward the new styles and are popular by students. I think students have the right to make them look beautiful and energy.
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