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时间: 2018-05-24 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

The Brexit deal thrashed out between negotiators from the European Union and the United Kingdom has been approved by the leaders of EU member nations, paving the way for the British Parliament to consider it in the weeks to come. 欧盟成员国领导人通过了此前欧盟与英国的谈判专员商讨达成的英国脱欧协议,为英国议会在数周后就该协议进行讨论铺平了道路。 Three main issues: the Northern Ireland border, the cost of leaving the EU and citizens' rights, are at the center of the deal. 脱欧协议的三个核心问题为:北爱尔兰边境、英国脱欧费用以及公民权利。 The UK has agreed to settle a 39 billion pound "divorce bill" with the EU. 英国已经同意向欧盟支付390亿英镑的“分手费”。 The deal also aims to protect the rights of EU citizens in the UK, and UK citizens in the EU. 该协议还确定了保护在英欧盟公民以及在欧盟英公民权利的目标。

A Northern Ireland "backstop" was agreed, that promises to keep the border open if trade talks break down. 此外,双方还达成了一份北爱尔兰后备协议,承诺即便贸易谈判破裂,北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国之间的边境依旧开放。 The deal must now go before the UK Parliament in a vote expected in the second week of December. 接下来,这份脱欧协议必须提交给英国议会投票表决,投票预计将在12月的第二周进行。 Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to travel the country for the next two weeks in a bid to get MPs onside ahead of the vote in Parliament. 接下来两周英国首相特蕾莎·梅将在全国游说,以期在议会投票前争取到议员们的支持。 Should she fail, several possibilities remain, including renegotiations with the EU, a general election or a "no deal" withdrawal from the EU. 如果梅的努力失败的话,仍存在几种可能,包括英国与欧盟重新谈判、举行大选或“无协议”脱欧。

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