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时间: 2018-07-05 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

The Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday kickoff of the US holiday shopping season showed the increasing preference for online purchases, as more Americans opted to stay home and use their smartphones, while sales and traffic at brick-and-mortar stores declined. 由感恩节与“黑色星期五”打响的美国假期购物季显示,线上购物愈加受到青睐,因为有更多美国民众选择在家里用智能手机购物,实体店面销售额与客流量则有所减少。 Black Friday pulled in $6.22 billion in online sales, up 23.6% from a year ago and setting a new high, according to Adobe Analytics, which tracks transactions for 80 of the top 100 internet retailers in the US. Adobe Analytics表示,“黑色星期五”线上销售额同比增长23.6%,达62.2亿美元,创下新高。该公司追踪了美国最主要100家互联网零售商中80家的交易数据。 The Friday after Thanksgiving this year also was the first day in history to see more than $2 billion in sales stemming from smartphones, said Adobe Analytics. Adobe Analytics称,智能手机端日销售额在今年的“黑色星期五”还首次突破了20亿美元。

Meanwhile, shoppers were seen buying more big-ticket items like appliances, furniture and bulkier electronics from their phones Black Friday, with average order values up 8.5% year over year to reach $146, based on Adobe's data. 此外,Adobe Analytics的数据显示,在今年的“黑色星期五”,消费者通过手机购买了更多高价商品,如电器、家具和体积较大的电子产品等,平均订单价值同比增长8.5%,达到146美元。 Preliminary data from analytics firm RetailNext showed net sales at brick-and-mortar stores fell 4-7% during Thanksgiving and Black Friday, while traffic fell 5-9%, continuing the trend of recent years. 分析公司RetailNext的初步数据显示,感恩节与“黑色星期五”期间实体店的净销售额减少4-7%,客流量下降5-9%,延续了近年来的趋势。 Data from retail research firm ShopperTrak also showed that visits to stores fell a combined 1% over the two days compared with the same days in 2017. 零售研究公司ShopperTrak的数据也显示,这两日的门店客流量较上年同期共计下降1%。

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