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大学是怎么样的 What is College Like

时间: 2019-04-20 19:20; 作者: 作文网 
High school is an important stage for students before go to college. Everybody implants the idea to their minds that college life will be wonderful, so high school students work so hard to fight for the future college. According to the research, students from middle and high schools were asked the question of what they wanted to know about college. They were so excited to ask whether campus life was free and wonderful, which meant study was not important. All of the responses were so classic, which reflected that college life was misunderstood by the teenagers. College students replied with their experience. They told teenagers that study was much harder and they needed more energy, because nobody would supervise them. It was true that life was much free and how to make use of the part time would decide what kind of person they were. 
  • 上一篇:对未来交通的畅想 The Imagination of Future Transportation
  • 下一篇:和而不同 To Accept Difference
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