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快乐的圣诞节A Merry Christmas

时间: 2020-02-05 18:03; 作者: 第一作文 
A Merry Christmas


Like many kids, my favorite holiday is Christmas. I enjoy every bit of it, even the suspense. The holidays are great, for they are exciting and different from typical daily life.


Christmas morning is magnificent. Running out to the living room, I smile and open the blinds, so specks of light spot the colorful presents. The wonderful fragrance of pine and some hidden aroma of oranges fills the air. My stocking is bulging, and below all the stockings is a bag of popcorn or chips, which has been a tradition of ours for nearly a decade. Finally, the other family members awake, and the warm aroma of pancakes and sausages drifts through the house. The crimson tablecloth fits in perfectly, standing out in the gray morning light.


After the friendly breakfast, everyone dashes to the living room, and we raid our stockings. I always find CDs and books and, of course, popcorn. I think stockings are the best part. We spend about five minutes cleaning up and playing with our new accessories. Then we move on to the Christmas tree. Usually my younger brother opens his first present, and we go youngest to oldest. I like to leave my biggest presents for last, but sometimes I open the interesting ones first.


The holidays seem to be a time to spend time away from our obsessions, notice new items, appreciate them and share excitement. It's a time to relax and have fun.

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