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我难忘的高中生活 My Memorable Senior High School Life

时间: 2020-02-29 22:05; 作者: 第一作文 




I have finished my senior high school life just six months ago and now I become a freshman. My senior high school is called Yantai No. 1 Middle School with a long history, which can be dated back to 1938. When I think of my memorable high school life, I feel blissful and impressive.

To be honest, my senior high school life was very tired but I really enjoyed it. I was asked to put study in the first place. At that time, I got up at 5:30 a.m. and went to bed late in order to have more study time to consolidate what I have learned in a day. Except for study, I also took part in some competition like English speech contest, the Calligraphy competition and so on.

Our class was like a big family. I got along well with my classmates. We always discussed issues after class. I have made many friends in this family and we still kept in touch after we graduated. Luckily, my teachers were also very enthusiastic and friendly. We were seen as their children. They taught me much knowledge and told me how to behave well.

What’s more, dormitory life was also worth mentioning for me. Far away from my family, I became quite independent by the end of the first high school life. The dormitory was cleaned clearly by my roommates and I. We had a good time living as a family together.

This is my high school life, busy and fulfilling. I will never forget it.
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