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时间: 2021-02-13 08:00; 作者: 第一作文  电脑版浏览

1 、长的一表人渣还好意思说我。

A long table scum return not bashful say me.

2 、别说我不行,否则我会让你后悔。

Don't say I don't think I can do it, otherwise I'll let you regret.

3 、谁是谁的老公,都他M的是临时工。

Who's who of husband, he M is temporary.

4 、你全家吃屎的吧?能不能消停会儿?

You and your family eat shit? Can you relief?

5 、做人不能这样,缺狗粮才知道来找我?

Don't like this, lack of dog food to just know to me?

6 、能被你抢走的东西,是我扔下的垃圾。

Can be what you take, is dropping my junk.

7 、最近你运气不错啊,升职成天蓬元帅了?

Recently you good luck, promotion all day peng commander-in-chief?

8 、你假装清纯也掩盖不了你那**的事实。

You pretend to be pure also will not hide the fact that your coquettish.

9 、我颠覆了整个世界,只为摆正你的倒影。

I overturned the whole world, only to straighten your reflection.

1 0、长的跟非洲黑人难民一样,还在这里装逼。

Long like black African refugees, force is still here.

1 1 、世界上未有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。

World no unfinished story, only not die of heart.

1 2、您的容貌的存在就是对市容城管的一种侮辱。

Your appearance is an insult to the city urban management.

1 3 、我在你身上深刻的体会到什么叫做标新立异。

I deeply realized what be called on you do STH unconventional or unorthodox.

1 4、你这骨架这么大,我看整成一个男人最合适。

You this skeleton is so big, I see the whole into a man the most appropriate.

1 5 、你丫的就是狗和猪的杂交产品还是改不了吃屎。

Your ya is on dogs and pigs hybrid product or doesn't make a crab walk straight.

16 、别以为你嘴巴长痔疮,就可以在别人面前犯贱!

Don't think you mouth long piles and can be in front of others make mean!

1 7 、吐词都不清楚你还学着骂人,迟早被人玩死的节奏。

The words are not clear you also learn to call names, sooner or later be the rhythm of playing dead.

19 、看你满脸刀疤就知道你不是好人,人人看见人人喊打。

Look at your face scar will know that you are not a good man, everyone gets a saw.

  • 上一篇:关于春的好词好句
  • 下一篇:描写雨的片段
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