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时间: 2021-07-07 16:01; 作者: 第一作文  电脑版浏览

1 、真正的爱情,是双方心灵的互相契合,任何人,都无法对此进行评说。

True love is the heart with each other, anyone can not this comment.

2 、先要爱自己,才能爱别人。有人在等你来爱。

Love yourself before you can love others. Someone is waiting for you to love.

3 、爱自己的祖国。这就是说,要渴望祖国能成为人类理想的体现,并尽自己的力量来促进这一点。

Love your motherland. That is to say, the desire of the motherland to become the embodiment of human ideals, and do their best to promote this point.

4 、真水无香,真爱无言,真爱是发自内心的关心和照顾,真爱是点点滴滴的平实与坚定。

Zhenshuiwuxiang, wordless love, true love is from the heart of care, love is the little bit of plain and firm.

5 、爱情的快乐不能在**的拥抱中告终。爱,必须有恒久不变的特质,要爱自己,也要爱对方。

The joy of love can not end in the embrace of passion. Love must have an abiding character, love yourself, love others.

6 、爱之花开放的地方,生命便能欣欣向荣。

The flower of love and open place, life can be thriving.

7 、亲爱的,为了你,我可上九天揽月,下五洋捉鳖。因为那月是你,那鳖也是你。

My dear, for you, I can be on the zodiac, under the ocean to catch turtle five. Because you are the moon, the turtle is you.

8 、女人爱自己就会千方万计地善待自己。

Women love will Qianfangwanji to treat yourself.

9 、聪明的女人,就是懂得爱护自己的女人,她们不仅能让自己的生活有品质,有情调,还懂得投资,投资青春,投资美丽。

Smart woman, is to know how to take care of their own women, they can not only make their own quality of life, emotional appeal, but also know how to invest, invest in youth, investment in beauty.

1 0、唯有自爱,自识自制,指引人生,才能导出神圣的力量。

Only self love, self awareness self guidance of life, in order to derive the divine power.

1 1 、对与存在的人,如果爱的人一但消失,那份爱也一定会消失,那是属于你的,永远只属于你。

To the person who is with you, if the one you love is gone, the love will disappear.

1 2、对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。

For me, the meaning of life is to put yourself in his place, worry about others worry about the joy of music to others.

1 3 、自我热爱远非缺点,这种定义是恰当的。一个懂得恰如其分地热爱自己的人,一定能恰如其分地做好其他一切事情。

Self love is far from a defect. A person who knows how to love himself properly will be able to do everything properly.

1 4、我自爱我的野草,但我憎恶这以野草作装饰的地面。

I love my wild grass, but I detest this decorated with wild grass ground.

1 5 、爱情容不得任何虚伪和欺骗,就像眼里容不得沙子一样。

Love can not tolerate any hypocrisy and deception, like the eyes can not tolerate sand.

16 、如果一个男人开始怠慢你,请你离开他。不懂得疼惜你的男人不要为之不舍,更不必继续付出你的柔情和爱情。

If a man starts to neglect you, please leave him. Do not know how to pamper your men not to give up, not to continue to pay your tenderness and love.

1 7 、不要奢求你的爱人能够用你的方式来爱你,那样会让他很累。

Don't expect you to love the way you used to love you, that will make him very tired.

19 、有了你,我尝遍了世间的酸甜苦辣。看你与别的人说话我会酸;和你一起我会感觉甜;不见你时要忍受思念的苦;一觉得苦我就去吃辣椒,于是又感觉到了辣。

Have you, I tasted the sour, sweet, bitter, hot. See you talk to other people, I will sour; and I will feel sweet with you; when you do not want to bear the pain of missing; I think I will go to eat bitter pepper, and then feel hot.

2 0、千万不要着急,最好最适合你的,或许就在不远处等着你,在相逢之前,耐住寂寞吧。

Do not worry, the best for you, perhaps not far away waiting for you, before the meeting, bear loneliness.

2 1、自爱者方能为人所爱。

Love to be loved.

2 2 、尽管我们朝朝夕夕相对,尽管我们活在彼此的心中,我们之间只是安宁的友情。我只能盛下你的泪,却盛不下你的心。

Although we everyday, even though we live in each other's heart, between us is peace and friendship. I can only put down your tears, but not your heart.

2 3 、我希望用我的手来抹平你的忧伤,我希望用我的柔情来温暖你的心房,我希望能牵着你的手去欣赏田园风光,我希望梦想的脚步能带着我腾跃飞翔!

I want to use my hand to erase your sadness, I want to use my tenderness to warm your heart, I hope to be able to enjoy the idyllic scenery to hold your hand, I want to dream with my a fly!

24 、要公正,因为公平难维系着人类,要和善,因为慷慨暖人心窝。要宽厚,因为你周围的人跟你一样脆弱。要谦逊,因为你傲慢伤害每一个人的自爱心。

To be fair, because fairness sustains human hard to be kind, generous, because my heart warm. Be generous, because the people around you are as vulnerable as you are. Be humble, for you are proud to hurt everyone's love.

2 5 、懂得自爱,才能得到他人的友谊。

How to get self love, friendship of others.

2 6、女人爱自己也爱世界,女人爱美丽也爱男人。

Women love themselves and the world, women love beauty and love men.

2 7、你的微笑,是另我上瘾的毒药。

Your smile is my addiction.

2 8 、无论怎么样,一个人借故堕落总是不值得原谅的,越是没有人爱,越要爱自己。

No matter how, a person always fall excuse not worth forgiving, no more love, more to love yourself.

2 9 、假如你记不住你为了爱情而做出来的一件最傻的是,你就不算真正恋爱过;假如你不曾絮絮地讲你恋人的好处,使听的人不耐烦,你就不算真正恋爱过。

If one thing you can't remember your love to do the most silly is that you do not calculate the true love; if you don't have to talk about your lover's advantage, to listen to the people impatient, you do not calculate the true love.

3 0、不要和男人动手。第一,你动不过他;第二,和你动手的男人一定是个疯子。所以,不如不动。

Don't start with a man. First, you do not move him; second, and you start a man must be a madman. Therefore, it is better not to move.

3 1 、世上无永远,我们所能拥有的,只是一段平凡而温馨的缘分。

There is nothing in the world, all we can have is an ordinary and warm fate.

3 2 、除了悄悄的哭,我们什么都做不到。

We can do nothing but cry quietly.

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