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时间: 2021-08-09 12:04; 作者: 第一作文  电脑版浏览

1 、若不是我变了模样,便是你淡忘了时光。

If it is not for me, it is you forget the time.

2 、安心全部的邪念,凝听本身心中的设法。

Secure all evil, try to listen to my heart.

3 、字于字之间.都保存了一份:我对你的思恋。

The word in the word. Preserved a: my love to you.

4 、记忆里的你,面带微笑的看着我,一脸温柔。

The memory of you, with a smile, looking at me, a gentle face.

5 、少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。

Talk less and do more work, down-to-earth, hard work.

6 、我深知我所深爱之人,是我一辈子得不到的人。

I know that the person I love, is the person I can't get.

7 、其实有时候,一个人也是一件值得快乐的事情。

In fact, sometimes, a person is also a thing to be happy.

8 、手心里的幸福,脆弱地经不起你一点点的冷漠。

The happiness of the palm of the hand, fragile can not afford you a little bit of indifference.

9 、如果不能给我你的全部,那我宁可全部都不要。

If you can not give me your all, then I would rather not all.

1 0、其实原来受过伤,所以现在在伤害对我好的人。

Actually hurt, so now in harm to my good person.

1 1 、那些所谓的天荒地老,也不堪时光而成误会一场。

The so-called forever, and the time was also a misunderstanding.

1 2、幸福为什么对我就这么苛刻,几次从我身边走过。

Why are you so hard on me, a few times from my side through.

1 3 、把沉淀的爱渐渐掩埋,终有一天看不到它的悲哀。

The precipitation of love is gradually buried, one day can not see its sorrow.

1 4、如果爱纯属虚构不是真实,为何分开是难过的开始。

If love is purely fiction is not true, why is the beginning of the sad.

1 5 、如果那些飘渺的自由是你想要的,那么我会全给你。

If those who wander free is what you want, then I will give you all.

16 、因为彼此对这段情付出太多,所以今日才会如此挣扎。

Because each other to pay too much for this feeling, so today will be so struggling.

1 7 、找到一个对的人,是给自己以后的生命里最好的礼物。

Find a right person, is to give yourself the best gift of life in the future.

19 、男生的花心是女人的犯贱,女人的花心是男人的自愿。

Male flower is a woman's heart is bitchy, woman man voluntarily.

2 0、请不要对我抱有太多希望,但也请别对我完全不抱希望。

Please don't hold too much hope for me, but please don't give me any hope at all.

2 1、有时候,我在乎的不是你所说的,而是那些你没有说的。

Sometimes, what I care about is not what you say, but what you don't say.

2 2 、一下子成熟、忘了怎样软弱。昨天的不满现在换成开阔。

Suddenly mature, forget how weak. Yesterday's discontent is now replaced by open.

2 3 、每一次打喷嚏我都以为你在想我,即使我知道是我感冒了!

I thought you were thinking of me every time you hit me, even if I knew I had a cold!

24 、爱你的时候你是太阳明亮至上,不爱的时候瞬间便灰暗了。

Love you when you are the sun is bright, do not love the moment when the dark.

2 5 、拼了命的不让身边的人难过,却发现,受伤的原来是我自己。

To fight the life of the people around me sad, but found that the original injury is my own.

2 6、那些事情我不想再想,也不想回忆,因为那触动了我的伤口。

Those things I don't want to think about, also don't want to recall, because it touched my wound.

2 7、爱得愈深,苛求得愈切,所以爱人之间不可能没有意气的争执。

Love deeply, demanding all survived, so love is not emotional dispute between the impossible.

2 8 、只愿下辈子,你是树,而我是缠着你的藤,藤缠树,缠缠绵绵。

Only the next life, you are the tree, and I was pestering you rattan, rattan wrapped around the tree, chanchanmianmian.

2 9 、人之所以活的累,是因为放不下架子,撕不开面子,解不开情结。

The reason why people live tired, because not put shelf, tear open face, the solution does not open complex.

3 0、虽然我经常想起你,还有我们共同的梦想,但我从来没有看到过你。

Although I often think of you, and our common dream, but I never see you.

3 1 、不要错误地诠释别人的好意,那只会让自已吃亏,并且使别人受辱。

Do not mistake the kindness of others, it will only make their own losses, and to make others to shame.

3 2 、如果爱你是错,我情愿一错再错,选择你所爱的然后爱你所选择的。

If loving you is wrong, I prefer to keep repeating the same mistakes, choose what you love and love what you choose.

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