

时间: 2023-08-01 栏目:工作总结

minimum的意思 篇1

n、 最低限度,最小量,最低消费,[数]极小值

adj、 最低的,最小的,最少的

minimum词组 | 习惯用语 篇2





Repairing your car will cost a minimum of 100 dollars、修理你的汽车最低限度要100美元。

The class needs a minimum of 6 pupils to continue、这个班最低限度要六个学生才可以继续办下去。

Consolidate everything to the bare minimum、把一切巩固到最低限度的最小量。


1、Many of Britain's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness、


2、Twelve hours is the minimum, sixty hours the maximum、


3、He reduced his needs to the minimum by simplifying his life、


minimum英语例句库 篇3

1、The thermometer reached the minimum for the year、寒暑表已降到当年的最低记录。

2、Congress has legislated a new minimum wage for workers、国会制定了一项新的关于工人最低工资的法律。

3、Materials are all washable and none or minimum iron、料子可以洗,但勿用熨斗熨,或尽量少烫。

4、They want to spend a minimum of both time and money、他们想花费最少的时间和钱。

5、The minimum investment is 100 dollars, but the sky's the limit、投资额最少要一百美元, 没有上限。

6、A model of pyrotechnical combustion products was established based on the principle of minimum free-energy、燃烧产物的预测对烟火药的设计非常重要。

7、Minimum of 3 years proven success working as a buyer or buying agent for hardgoods、The main products:home electric appliance,car accessory, hand tools (小家电,汽车配件,手动工具)。

8、What is the minimum price?最低价是多少?

9、The journey was accomplished with a maximum of comfort and ease and a minimum of discomfort、带着最大限度的舒适和轻松结束了这一旅程,很少有什么不舒适。

10、The Conservatives think minimum pricing will make certain “alcopop” drinks cheaper, and so should be dropped、保守党认为最低定价会导致一些“波普”饮料价格下降,应该废除。

11、Then it was all poppycock, two cents a word for minimum rate and payment upon acceptance、什么最低稿费两分钱一个字呀,稿件一采用就付稿酬呀,统统是假话,骗得他上了当。

12、The state shall timely formulate the requirements on the minimum rate of use of the reclaimable materials、国家适时制定最低再生材料利用率要求。

13、The data processing method for evaluation the circularity error with minimum circumscribed circle and maximum incircle was introduced、介绍按最小外接圆法、最大内接圆法评定圆度误差的一种快速、简便、易于微机实现的数据处理方法。

14、Die should contain a minimum of one idle station to accommodate future design considerations、 i、e、 restrike cam pierce etc、摸具应至少包含一个空站以适应未来的设计变更,回整,凸轮,冲孔等。

15、WINBOND Singlechip W78E516B based on the minimum system source code、Through UART functions with Bootload、Development environment for the KEIL C51、基于WINBOND单片机W78E516B的最小系统源代码。通过UART具有BOOTLOAD功能。开发环境为KEIL C51、

16、Beamforming algorithm in the minimum variance distortionless response beamformer and give a diagram of conventional beamforming and MVDR two waveforms、波束形成算法中的最小方差无失真响应波束形成器,并在一个图中给出常规波束和MVDR两种波形。

17、Then in the subspace,the hypersphere containing almost training data with minimum radius is found as decision hypersphere for novel detection、在该子空间中,通过优化方法寻找包含训练数据的最小超平面,作为新颖检测的决策界面。

18、A garden-view bure, or Fijian cottage suite, at The Wakaya Club doesn't come cheap, and the minimum stay is five nights、花园一样美妙的景观让瓦卡亚俱乐部的收费同样惊人。

19、It'd almost certainly have a minimum seed:leecher ratio for this to kick in, as a further measure to help prevent abuse、确定会被踢的下载分享率下限,作为防止滥用的进一步辅助措施。

The ways of syringe pumps have the advantages of short time of atropism,easy keeping and minimum atropism、It s worth for popularization、运用微泵静脉推注法给药,患者生命体征波动比静脉推注小、副反应低、缩短了患者病程、提高了抢救成功率,临床效果好,在救治有机磷中毒患者中是切实可行的。


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