

时间: 2023-06-19 栏目:好句收藏



2、→祝自己生日快乐! 希望无论遇到什么事情都要很好的去面对!

3、I am the shining star at night, waiting for your dream、I am the fresh wind in spring, warming your heart、I am the rippling spray of the sea、I give you the most beautiful blessing: Happy Birthday!


5、We have become familiar with the strange, from familiar to intimate, time to create a sincere, so that you and I quietly close the distance, in your life, perhaps I am not the best, but you are my most unforgettable life! Happy birthday!

6、After tonight, may happiness haunt you, in your colorful journey of life, and in your dreams forever bordering on fairy tales、Happy 20th birthday!

7、Although there are countless friends, although there is only one true heart, they are always concerned、No matter how far away, my best wishes will never stop、I will tell you in a whisper: happy birthday forever!

8、May you always be with Chaoyang and spring, full of vitality like grass in the wild! Happy birthday!


10、Accept my best wishes for many happy returns of this day.


12、Birthday comes and goes every year, leaving a happy memory forever、May today is every moment be full of sunshine and flowers bloom!

13、Today is my 30th birthday、I wish you a happy birthday!

14、I forget my own birthday, but I cannot forget your birthday!


16、I wish myself: more and more beautiful; every day so happy; every day in a good mood; finally, I wish you a happy birthday!

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1、I use milk to stir happiness, I use chocolate to sweeten happiness, I use fruit to decorate the moment, I hope this piece of friendship cake will add a wonderful to your birthday, friend, happy birthday!



4、Birthday songs are playing for you, and happiness accompanies your growth、May your life be as sweet and fragrant as a cake、Candle lit, please remember to make a good wish、I wish you a happy birthday and a dream come true!




8、Light the birthday candle, light the hope of happiness; taste the birthday cake, taste the taste of happiness; accept the birthday blessing, accept the good wishes, wish a happy birthday, happiness around!





13、The rotation of the sun and the moon will never stop、If you are sincere, my child, no matter where you are, my heart will always be with you、I hope you will be safe! Happy birthday!

14、Light pink rose; deep red fragrant rose; every flower is a good wish; how are you in the distance? Happy birthday to you on this special day!





1、Send a birthday gift, it is my deep heart, is a birthday wish, wish me a happy birthday, peace!


3、The heart to the blue sky, see is broad mind: the love to forever, get infinite care: your birthday, the blessing to me, I wish you a happy birthday, all the best! Good luck to you!

4、Time into a sea of flowers, there is a bloom for you, the happiness scattered in the sea of people, there is a return for you, the blessing into the sea of heart, there is a wish you a happy birthday, dear, happy birthday oh!


6、We have known each other for such a long time、I am glad our friendship remains the same、It is so beautiful and pure、We can never forget your charming smile and your happy appearance、Our true feelings will never change、Happy birthday to you!


8、Happy birthday to myself! Hope that no matter what happens, we should face it well!


  • 上一篇:再见2023迎接2021句子,再会2023相拥2023感语说说(精选182句)
  • 下一篇:人生的体会感悟的作文,感悟人生的作文(精选62句)
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