

时间: 2023-07-22 栏目:好句子收集


1、 ①Tom, I went to the concert , is a friend of mine、

2、 It is the third time ___late this month、

3、 ① The invention she spent 2 years will do well to the world、

4、 It was in 1969___the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon、

5、 ① She brought forward a plan we couldn’t agree、

6、 He has left Beijing, ___a meeting is to be held、

7、 ① Is this the factory you visited last week?

8、 ① The English subject, I do well , is important in middle schools、

9、 This is the museum ___you saw the other day、

10、A、 when B、 which C、 as D、 that

11、 ① The house window faces south is for the doctor、

12、、We often think of the days ___we spent together on the island、

13、 Have you ever been to Shanghai, ____I left ten years ago?

14、His father died last year, ____made it impossible for him to go abroad、

15、 This museum is ___you visited the other day、

16、He must be from Africa, ____can be seen from his skin、

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