

时间: 2023-08-07 栏目:好句子收集


1、33, the world sleep day comes, life health tips really experience to remind you: don't drink dinner, a walk after a meal, tea imported, noisy don't have peace of mind, good sleep, health is a friend!

2、Make sure you brush your teeth、 一定要刷牙哦

3、42, many people live unhappy because they are too nervous and even happy hours are tense、 In fact, want to be happy, just relax、 Relax, not necessarily do not care, just happy to do, and sincerely accept the results, many opportunities in life, without this, there is one, and the other、 Nervous, because of perseverance, happiness, know how to laugh、 Relax and wish you a pleasant dream!

4、You‘re not really asleep、 你没有真睡吧

5、Before 35, please open the window, let the happiness come in, please open the bedtime "in the mood", "happy" settled, please open the mobile phone before going to bed, let the "warm" presentation, please "thought" before flying, let the sweet dream! Wish you a dream come true tonight, a happy life!

6、32, to give you a pleasant pill, do you good vexed; offer a bowl of Anshen Decoction, will help you fall asleep; send you a hypnotic star, let you sleep naturally wake up!

7、47, we are now playing, who first dream of the Duke of zhou! If I win, you let me kiss! If you win, I'll let you kiss! Come on, go to sleep! Tomorrow morning, I'll announce the result of the match and meet tomorrow night"!

8、You’re pretending to be asleep、 你在装睡呀

9、22, "the lavender like pure deep breath for you, like the quiet atmosphere of the lemon pleasant to you, don't like to smell mildly mottled perilla for you, the most warm feeling to you, wish you have a good dream tonight! "

10、Let’s get the futon out、 把被子拿出来吧

11、27, yawn, Duke, wash your face, feet, lying in bed for baby, baby how lazy to sleep quickly, and dream to double、 I wish her sweet dreams sleep、

12、I‘m going to take a rest、 我休息一会儿

13、31, listen to the birds singing outside the window, urging parents to get up early, beautiful morning nervous, always forced up, afraid of the teacher in the school, boring around, the students really sad, early in the morning without direction, I wish the students feel comfortable、

14、No need to go to sleep, it‘s still early、 不必着急睡,还早着呢。

15、No, not yet、 没有,还没准备好呢

16、39, the work you have, whether you will miss before going to bed, when I was little, my mother told you a story in the ear, to coax you to sleep、 Now without her care, you still can not be used, but we always have to learn to be independent, as parents, when to take responsibility, but no one can take away your fantasy she is still in your side power, think of her voice and expression, she is still standing beside you, never leave, sleep、

17、26, Chunhua million in rejection canmeng, a tearful eyes looking at the sky, jade peach weep Morningstar, somehow hesitation is difficult to fall asleep, wake up on time then toss about、 When I'm tired, I'm your warm post, world sleep day, good people, good dreams!

18、Time to go to sleep、 该睡觉了

19、Do you dream a lot? 你常做梦吗?

20、I set it for 7:00、 把闹钟定在7点了 Put the alarm clock on for 6:30 a、m、 把闹钟拨到早上6点30分。 Wake me up at seven tomorrow、 明天7点叫醒我

21、29, and "March twenty-one", in memory of world sleep day, sleep to have good quality, daytime work energy, sleep time to ensure, stay up late, lack of sleep, poor appetite, we pay attention to sleep, work, life will be good、 Wish you a happy sleeping day、 "

22、I set the alarm clock for 7:00、 把闹钟定在7点了

23、You‘re just pretending that you’re asleep 你在装睡呀

24、Do you dream often? 你常做梦吗?

25、21, good dream night, how can less friends blessing: I wish you a "dream often", I wish you "sleep peacefully", I wish you "nervous pleasure", I wish you tonight "big sleep", tomorrow morning, "refreshing""!

26、14, listen to its alarm clock, on the basis of one-sided viewpoint and look at the sky, rubbed his eyes and listen to the alarm, or only two or three in the morning, only to get up for work, work only for life, life is only joyful, is happy and stay in bed today、 Well, come on, I'm almost late、 Wish you a smooth day and happy work、

27、50, are you feeling tired when you are working? Are you feeling sore when you are studying? Do you feel tired when you are on the road? Then stop, take everything down, sleep comfortably, relax, sleep day, sleep well and have a good dream、、

28、36, the world sleep day, sleep tonight if you dream of the contest, the Duke of Zhou, that you love me tonight if I dream of the Duke of Zhou, that I love you, tonight officially start tomorrow, announced the results, now began to enter the sweet dreams! Wish you sweet dream!

29、I’m going to lie down、 我去躺一会

30、48, abandon the disturbance of disturbance, enjoy this rare warm moment, remove the burden of pressure, enjoy a relaxed life; a warm blessing, let happiness accompany you to roam the beautiful dream、 Warm night, may the good dream accompany you every night、

31、No, I was awake、 没有,还没睡呢

32、I’d like to lie down for a while、 我想躺会儿

33、Were you asleep? 你睡着了吗?

34、Hurry up and go to sleep、 快点睡觉

35、41, tell the trouble to nap, so happy to take a rest for a while to vesicle; pain, to let the happiness for the race; trick bad sleep a long sleep, to let the good luck quietly report、 World sleep diary happy、


1、19, put aside their grief to get to sleep, sleep out immediately throw away the depressed, sad and trouble sleeping, sleeping away immediately、 World sleep day, please be happy and sleep soundly!

2、Are you ready for tomorrow? 明天的东西都准备好了吗?

3、Let‘s get the quilt out、 把被子拿出来吧

4、52, in order to good health, first eat rice, to the body good, first sleep sleep, diet wins medicine, good sleep, better fill、 World sleep day, good luck, good sleep, good health, good health, happiness, joy and happiness、

5、I‘m going to bed、 我要去睡觉了

6、28, think of happy things, do not want trouble; think of good things, do not want to think of something ugly; fortunately, do not want bad thing; think of happiness, do not want to pain, I think, you fell asleep、

7、34, another day is the setting sun, avoid drinking too much to eat dinner; not long after exercise, take a walk before going to bed in good health; clean skin makeup unloading, remember the water to hot foot; remember these few dreams, surrounded by good sleep!

8、Do you need an alarm clock? 你需要闹钟吗?

9、15, let the work on the "sleeping" hot wheels, to life with "deep sleep" is happy with the humidifier, "slumber" multimeter, help health spray disinfectant deep sleep "、 On world sleep day, may you sleep out your energy and sleep out your energy!

10、Do you often have dreams?你常做梦吗?

11、17, the work of solid important, rest better, primary and secondary points should be good, not the disease、 If you know how to maintain, good luck to the natural, do not hesitate to body, always regret、 The bed should be clean, bed every day, don't think I want to let you have a good time、 You are happy, my friend, and I am in a good mood、

12、I want to take a catnap、 我想打个盹

13、40, the bed is the most warm place, which makes you feel comfortable, eliminate exhaustion, morning and make you unable to part of your life, 1/3 of the time on the bed、 Oh, what a great quilt! How can you mean to sleep in bed and sleep? Close your eyes, and start your dreams!

14、18, the breeze blowing the curtains, "comfort" to "worry" is no longer there; the moon light according to "relax" quilt, let "pressure" is no longer hot pursuit; "sleeping" stars Qingzou Nocturne, let no longer together, "melancholy" SMS wish you wish you drowsiness, relax, comfortable dream beauty、

15、49, on the day of sleep, busy to bless、 Go to bed early and get enough sleep、 Regular exercise, good health、 Sleep is the best form of beauty、 The younger you are, the healthier you will sleep!

16、44, alarm clock, heart trouble, do not want to leave the bed arms; turned to grin, a lot of money to the fantasy; the sun, the time to the beginning of the day, more beautiful、 Have a good morning and go to work happily, and your purse will swell up!

17、51, in the bed said: It passes like this、! Better sleep than sleep! Let the troubles of one day disperse with time、 May the stars at night bring you good mood! Dream, there is hope, as soon as possible to lay down the burden, have a good dream, let the sun tomorrow bring you new hope! Good night

18、45, fold a angel to you, let you worry flick tired of sadness; catch a sleepy you, wish you happy calm Enron sleep, sleep to nature to wake, oh, good night、

19、16, the moon breeze brushed starry pressure, quiet and comfortable, happy SMS comfortable, good day night sleep sweet、 I wish you all the night、 Goodnight、

20、I’m wide awake、 我一点都不困。

21、30, let your heart tired strands of breeze brushed, let Jiao Jiao October illuminate you confused way, let me take the slightest wish happy mood for you, hope you have a good dream tonight, a good sleep!

22、Tomorrow is holiday, so we can lie in、 明天是假日,你可以睡懒觉了。 Look forward to a nice long lie-in tomorrow、 盼着明天好好睡个懒觉。 Were you sleeping? 你睡着了吗?

23、I‘m drowsy、 我困了

24、46, every year in March, 21 is the world's sleep day, sleep is a healthy choice、 Shakespeare's life compare sleep to the table of "tonic", proved to have a good sleep in order to have a healthy life、 May you drive out insomnia and sleep until you wake up naturally、

25、Let‘s spread out the futon、 铺床吧



28、25, sleep housekeeper to you good news: "worry has been arrested, has been killed, anxiety and pressure depressed had fled、" No one will stop you from having a good dream tonight、 Good night and have a good quality of sleep、

29、Cover yourself up well、 把被子盖好

30、13, I from the sword to laugh, laugh and I went to bed、 Yulgang to people, lying off the streets、 The heart is chivalrous, the spirit is positive, the mind has no distracting thoughts, and the good sleep、 A man of indomitable spirit, magnanimous dies、 The world sleep day, a good rest, xingxiazhangyi!

31、Have pleasant dreams、 做个好梦 He‘s asleep、 他睡着了。

32、Tell children to go to sleep、 叫孩子们睡觉

33、 Sleep takes away your time, but it brings you plenty of energy; sleep reduces your pleasure, but brings you health and happiness; sleep stops your creation but gives your soul a rest、 World sleep day, let us open the window of the heart, sleep together、

34、20, with heart trouble, lazy bed wish, sleeping dream, toss about the tangle, sit down overlap, ha ha, time, alarm clock closing, don't get up to the wall, I wish you a day of work、

35、Have you set up the alarm clock? 你定闹钟了吗?


1、You‘d better turn in early tonight and get a good night’s rest、 你最好早点睡觉,好好休息一夜。

2、I know you’re still awake、 我知道你还没睡

3、Don’t let the bedbugs bite、 晚安。 Sleep well, darling、 睡个好觉,亲爱的。 Sleep tight! 睡个好觉!

4、Sweet dreams、 做个好梦

5、You‘re still up? 你还没睡?

6、38, sleep tips: sleep, listen to some light music, help you quickly fall asleep、 But please note that if you wear headphones and forget to turn off the music, it will damage your ears、 World sleep day, I wish you a good sleep every day、

7、Good night、 晚安。

8、It’s time to sleep、 到睡觉的时间了。

9、23, world butterflies, autumn lotus lie yuanyang、 The eternal dream Fang good sleep, dream Huangliang has enjoyed great popularity、 Jiangnan dream what appearance, long spring water、 Round the two reservoirs, the ideal bed of sunshine、 The world sleep day, I wish you a dream!

10、I’m so sleepy、 我很困

11、43, follow the Providence, Emperor Zhao said: in recent days, worry, stress and tiredness often for doing evil, disturbed people sleep restless, the three banish to the back of the head, and sent a happy, comfortable, healthy three to comfort you, let you sleep at ease, happy dream, chinbyit! My gold have been already opened, you do not hurry to sleep?

12、24, young friends, there is no need for the game "equipment", not to stay up late to fight "landlords" bucket pitch-dark、 Getting into the habit of sleeping on time will help you stay healthy all your life、 World sleep day, I wish you a good sleep every day、

13、You have to get up early tomorrow morning、 Hurry up and go to sleep、 明天还得早起,快点睡觉吧。

14、I‘m sleepy、 我困了

15、37, often wash quilt is often the sun dream to sleep without any anxiety、 Dreams often doubt the sea view, sleeping spring flowers open、 Spring breeze, spring rain, often in the spring, apricot flower building, rain playing moss、 Good people, good dreams, good world, career more exciting, more handsome、 World sleep day, sleep happily, sleep a new world!

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