

时间: 2022-11-08 栏目:优美句子


1、Years of quiet good, just want to count your heartbeat, slowly accompany you grow old.岁月静好,只想数着你的心跳,慢慢地陪着你变老。

2、If you remember me, then I don"t care if everyone else forgets me.只要你记得我,我不介意整个世界都把我遗忘了。

3、I"m sorry to put all the gentle and like to hit you"“不好意思 把所有的温柔和喜欢都砸到你身上了”

4、I"m different from others、I"m yours“ 别人再好都是别人的 我不一样 我是你的 ”

5、You mean the world to me.你对我来说,就是全世界。

6、I love you now、It"s cheaper than cabbage in the market、It can be seen everywhere.现在的我爱你,比市场的大白菜还便宜,随处可见。

7、The most beautiful love, there is no end of time, there is no land, just want to accompany you for life, that"s all.最美的爱情,没有天荒,也没有地老,只是想与你相伴一生,仅此而已。

8、I miss you so much already and I haven t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

9、Every day without you is like a book without pages、没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

10、I"ll think of you every step of the way、我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

11、You make my heart smile、我的心因你而笑。

12、I didn"t think that I could ever trust happiness、then I met you.我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。

13、Warm the early morning porridge, put down the late night wine, if you still drink in this life, only hope to make a cup with you.温了清晨的粥,放下了深夜的酒,此生若还饮酒,只盼与你交杯。

14、You are the one who is loved in peace、You can do anything with confidence and boldness.你是被安安稳稳爱着的人,可以放心大胆地去做任何事。

15、I used to be wild and uninhibited, wandering in the rivers and lakes, but I never wanted to meet you、From then on, I worked in the kitchen of the vegetable market and cooked rice and soup.我也曾浪荡不羁,行走江湖,却未曾想遇到了你,从此菜场厨房、煮饭煲汤。

16、You"re mine、No one can take you away、I"m so overbearing、I"m yours、No one can take me away、That"s how I give up.你是我的,谁都抢不走,我就是这么霸道。我是你的,谁都领不走,我就是这么死心。

17、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.执子之手,与子偕老。

18、I"m never mean, but one thing I can"t be generous is that you are mine.我这个人从不吝啬,但有一件事不可能大方,那就是你是我的。

19、You light up my life.你照亮我的生命。


1、Look at my eyes and you"ll find what you mean to me.看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

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