

时间: 2022-11-14 栏目:优美句子


1、就除夕夜而言,无论身在何处,也不管路途多么遥远,人们都会设法赶回家,所以除夕夜的盛大晚餐也叫做“团圆饭”。每个家庭的团圆饭都是一年中精心准备的最华丽和隆重的家宴。女主人在餐桌上摆满精心准备的食物,全家人围坐一起分享美味佳肴,然后一起乐融融地包饺子。午夜12点,每个家庭都会放鞭炮,辞旧迎新。On New Year"s Eve, people who work far away will manage to come home, regardless of long-distance travel, so the "Grand Dinner on New Year"s Eve" is also called "Family Reunion Dinner"、Every family will make the dinner the most sumptuous and ceremonious one in the year、Hostesses will fetch out prepared food and all family members will sit together and make dumplings in harmony、At twelve o"clock, every family will shoot off firecrackers to greet new days and send off old ones.

2、they laugh, they talk, and they drink.笑着,谈着,喝着。

3、春节,也被称为农历新年。对于中国人来说,这是规模最大,最重要的传统节日。就如同西方的圣诞节一样,春节是一家团聚的日子。The Spring Festival is also called Chinese Lunar New Year、Being one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is the grandest and most important festival for Chinese people、It is also the time for whole families to get together, which is similar to Christmas for Westerners.

4、Relatives returned home from all directions.亲戚们从四面八方回到了家里。

5、Outside, the fireworks light the sky;屋外,烟花照亮了天空,

6、It is the most important day for Chinese!这是中国人最重要的一天!

7、Watching CCTV"s spring festival gala is necessary.看央视春晚那是必须的。

8、they all sit by the big table,他们都坐在大桌子旁边,

9、its deafening noise comes continuously.震耳欲聋鞭炮声不断地传来。

10、and the children play happily.孩子们也玩儿得很开心。

11、People"s faces are filled with happiness.人们的脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑。

12、I love lunar New Year’s Eve.我喜欢除夕。

13、春节从农历新年第一天开始,几乎要持续半个月。但在民间传统中,这一节日从腊月23日就开始了,一直到正月十五(元宵节)。It comes on the first day of Chinese lunar calendar and lasts for almost half of a month、But in folk custom, this traditional holiday lasts from the 23rd day of the twelfth month to the 15th day of the first month (The Lantern Festival) on the lunar calendar.

14、The children also run happily everywhere.孩子们也快乐地到处跑着。

15、women cook the feast busily,女人忙匆忙地做着年夜饭,

16、they wait for the bell to announce the New Year.他们等待新年钟声的到来。

17、On lunar New Year’s Eve,在农历除夕,

  • 上一篇:今年最后一个月说说 一年最后一个月的文案(收集85句)
  • 下一篇:关于40岁女人的说说,40岁女人最适合的说说(17句)
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