

时间: 2024-01-17 栏目:最火的网名


1、If you like him or you love him tell him now.

2、For it gives to life a savor

3、If he earns your praise, bestow it

4、Is the comment kind and sunny

5、Till the parson makes oration

6、If with pleasure you are viewing

7、For he cannot read his tombstone when hes dead.

8、So if some praise is due him

9、Any work a man is doing,

10、Do not wait till life is over

11、And he lies with snowy lilies on his brow,

12、Dont withhold your approbation

13、More than fame and more than money

14、And it gives you heart and courage to the end.

15、If you like him, let him know it

16、And the hearty warm approval of a friend,

17、Tell Them Now

18、For he cannot read his tombstone when hes dead.

19、经典英语美文:Tell Them Now

20、Let the words of true encouragement be said.

21、And it makes you stronger, braver,

22、For no matter how you shout it

23、And hes underneath the clover,

24、He wont really care about it

25、Nows the time to slip it to him

26、He wont know how many teardrops you have shed

  • 上一篇:洋气又好听的名字,特别洋气的中国名字(70个)
  • 下一篇:,年后不过时的名字(70个)
  • 相关文章

