

时间: 2022-10-29 栏目:好词好句


1、The medical staff fighting on the front line are honorable and kind, and the people who are willing to contribute to the fight against the pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan are also worthy of our admiration、People from all walks of life donated money and materials、I saw farmers picking vegetables in the fields all night in order to transport fresh vegetables to Wuhan earlier、I saw a grandfather who was scavenging donated 10000 yuan、How many times did grandpa bend his waist and how many bottles did he save for it? Wuhan, do you see it? Although you have sealed the city, everyone is supporting you、Love cannot be blocked、You must be strong!

2、Let's join hands and work together、I believe we can defeat the epidemic、Wuhan, come on! China, come on! Everything will be fine!

3、Come on, Dad! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, motherland!

4、What I am most unhappy about is that I only have time to accompany my parents during the Spring Festival every year、This Spring Festival is even busier this year、My family only has grandma to accompany me、I am very unhappy、That day, I saw many doctors' uncles and nurses' aunts going to Wuhan and the most dangerous places on TV、I was scared because my parents were doctors too、I know why they didn't accompany me at home this Spring Festival、In fact, years ago, as a doctor's father and mother received the notice that all medical staff should stick to their posts to cancel the Spring Festival rotation, and joined in the fight against pneumonia.

5、Pay New Year's call for novel coronavirus、We have to cancel all the travel, training and new year's plan、We have been staying at Grandma's home in Zhoushan、Every day, as the epidemic situation becomes more and more serious, the confirmed cases "rub rub rub rub rub" go up, our hearts are also particularly uncomfortable.

6、At the beginning of 2020, people were cheering and celebrating the coming of the new year, but you fell ill and entered the isolation zone、"You" is Wuhan, a name that I feel strange and haunts my ears every day.

7、Just stepping into the threshold of 2020, we will face a war without gunpowder、More than 10000 medical workers have cancelled the Spring Festival holiday, left their parents and children, and worked day and night in the front line of the epidemic、When we take off the "war suit", we can see a face full of bruises and bruises, a pair of hands soaked in sweat and wrinkled、That hand has been eroded by disinfectant into thousands of wounds、Auntie, you must be in pain, right? I know that when we are at home to avoid viruses and live a safe life, you face the devil and save one life after another from the God of death、You are heroes, our most lovely people!

8、This year's Spring Festival is not the same as the previous Spring Festival、Dad has already made a good travel plan and cancelled it、In the past, people came and went to the busy streets, which was cold、There was no crackling noise、The relatives who used to come to the party in the previous Spring Festival did not come、But I, dad said: we can't go out, we can only stay at home, we can only stay at home I asked what daddy novel coronavirus pneumonia appeared this year.

9、Seeing this, my heart suddenly felt a lot warmer、The novel coronavirus is most afraid of high temperature、Since spring has come, summer is not far away、We will win in this war without smoke、Thinking of this, we all stepped back quickly, because we know that to protect ourselves is to contribute to the fight against the epidemic.

10、Grandma's community is a Chinese style garden community、There is a clear lake in the middle of the community、There are activity rooms, pavilions, rockeries, etc、beside the lake、In previous years, this is the most busy time here、The children playing cards, playing mahjong, chatting, and chasing and playing are still cold and quiet、Occasionally, some people are wearing masks to shrink away、My mother and I shrunk our heads involuntarily after a cold wind、We strolled along the small lake, just about to go back, a few small yellow flowers scattered around the lake attracted our attention、The small yellow flowers were blooming in the cold wind, and the flowers were all in full bloom, including four petals and five petals、My mother told me that this is the jasmine, which is the messenger of spring、The little jasmine flowers are particularly dazzling in the quiet and cold lake、They sprinkle along the lake, and we also follow their steps、Suddenly, we are shocked by the yellow in front of us、The rockery in front is covered with jasmine flowers like waterfalls、In the sunshine, they are like a golden damask, so beautiful and full of vitality、They are competing for each other It's like telling us that spring has come.

11、Mom and Dad, don't worry、I don't go out in a hurry any more、I read books at home every day, practice calligraphy and listen to grandma tell me about the interesting things that happened when they were young、I don't know when the epidemic will end, but I believe in mom and Dad, all the medical staff, scientific researchers, you are great!

12、Everything will be better、Isn't spring coming?

13、Our daily activities are in the bedroom, dining room, living room and bathroom、After six or seven days of holding, we can't stand it、Looking at the sunshine outside, my mother and I are fully armed, put on masks and hats, and plan to go to the community.

14、What I mean is what novel coronavirus pneumonia is, why it makes the Spring Festival so busy and fun that it's so cold and clear that the movie theater is not open, the playground is closed, and there are no cartoons on TV、What kind of epidemic situation is there? Dad told me that this virus will infect and kill people, so everyone should stay at home, wash hands frequently, drink more water, try not to go out, and wear masks when going out.

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