

时间: 2023-03-11 栏目:好词好句


1、What do you really think about it?

2、What do you think todays developments will mean for him?

3、What do you think about him?

4、你认为巴黎的夜景 如何 ?

5、What do you think of this novel? -- Not too bad、

6、What do your subordinates think of you?

7、What do you think of the school, in your honest opinion?

8、"So what do you think?" she said in a hoarse whisper、

9、"So what do you think will happen?" he asked eagerly、

10、What do you think of Paris by night?

11、What do you think he means by that?

12、How does that sound?

13、Tell me, what do you think of my theory?

14、Oi, you! What do you think youre doing?

15、What do you think to this new musical group?


1、"What do scientists youve spoken with think about that?"— Well、to begin with、they doubt its going to work、

2、You cant do this! What do you think youre doing?

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