

时间: 2023-05-25 栏目:好句子

1、Life for some people is beautiful, the life of these people are fighting for a target.



4、Success is the most important is not to look at the distance of fuzzy, and hand out to do.




8、According to own will to do it, don't listen to the gossip, you will be successful.

9、At the foot of the blind eyes, though a dark, also can carve out a bright road.

10、Is is the pedestrian evil, evil, evil does not understand the pedestrian, the teachings are evil, all idealism.

11、Get the mind fallow, He Li if I cannot get, the ambition to go up, what not to do.


13、Remember what should be remembered, and forget the forgotten、Change can change, accept cannot change.



16、When people can't do something, they will say to you you also can't.

17、Upstream, it is the end of the split the mighty waves, downstream, cowards plain sailing.


19、There is no way to contend with time if you just bend it will be avenged.

20、Ruthless years increase in decreases, relish the youth is bitter sweet、Set ambitious, a bright future.

21、With a thankful heart, learn to love, love parents, love yourself, love friends, love and be lovable.


23、The flowers fade the whole barren spring, a setback and waste is not the whole life.

24、No one can predict the future destiny, but we can use the joyful expression to fate.

25、Now if you like to learn more skills, later you can say one sentence ask for less.

26、The watershed between success and failure, can use this five words to express, I have no time.

27、If you are the last result smug, it can only prove that you are doing is not good enough.

28、In the good luck, hope for people; Good luck in adversity, is a surprise.



31、I want, is just a no matter how accidents always accompany in my side.

32、Most afraid of is not lost when the dream-seeker dream, but lost himself in the dream.


34、Success is close to you, as long as a little more persistence, you will taste the fruits of victory.




38、No matter how steep mountains, are always for those who left a climbing road.

39、With smiling face to greet tragic fate, with one hundred times the courage to cope with all the misfortunes.


41、I don't go to think whether can succeed, since chose the distance, only trials and hardships!

42、Upstream, is the end of the split the mighty waves; Halcyon end-result of downstream, is always a coward.


44、All the patients, the doctor is the most difficult to cure, all the sentient beings, opinionated people the hardest.

45、Understand the challenges bravely, continuously surpass ourselves, so you can send your unlimited potential.


47、Keep the distance with the outside world、So, we just like lonely people.

48、Don't be so quick to say you have no choice, perhaps, you will meet next intersection of hope.


50、If a person heart and even more spectacular action is not great.


52、Learn to forgive is to learn to obey his heart, "to" the word apart is like a "heart".

53、Do all the ordinary things well is not ordinary, do all the simple things well is not simple.

54、We are your own worst enemy if we are weak; If a man be brave is her best friend.


56、Dialect is the obstacle, the clothes they are hair, this is to intimidate people、Culture is king!


58、We lack is not chance, but in front of the chance to see his courage to go back to zero.


60、At the appropriate time to do things, can save time、Back by tend to be in vain.

61、Warriors will be like the rock firmness, warrior character gentle like wind.

62、When your ability to also can't control your goal, then you should sink down and experience.


64、Face is not only to study knowledge, more important is to know the life is to know how to behave.

65、Life is a kite, only the only efforts to fly upwards, to be blessed.




69、Without ideal, there is like a blank sheet of paper to find the ideal person, is like a rainbow.



72、With you to reject it has become a fact, you might as well go to accept it, this is called fate.


74、Heroes must contain the disasters in my career, if there are no disasters won't become a hero.

75、Even if no one applaud you, also want elegant curtain call, thanks to their earnest pay.

76、When your 60 years old, you will treasure every hour that dominated by you.


78、In fact, we often fail not yesterday, but failed in not good use today.

79、Do you love life? So don't waste time, because that's the stuff life is made of time.


81、A real people who want to success is diligence and effort, not lie on the bed to talk big.

82、Encounter difficulties don't complain, since can't change the past, then efforts to change the future.

83、Adversity leads to prosperity, poor is frequently! There is no mountain higher than people more than the feet long way.





88、Do not sit long light, notice each hour have infinite interest; Meter is insufficient, the old plan.



91、Yesterday's glory has in the past, today's brilliant to win, tomorrow's brilliant efforts.



94、Time is not possession of public property, with the passage of time, the truth exposed increasingly.


96、Be nice to people around him, one day you will for the separation of a variety of reasons.

97、Maturity not to see how big is your age, but see your shoulders strong enough to carry the responsibility of multiple.




101、I firmly believe that people should have the strength, clench his hair to pull up from the mud.


103、Set ambition in life, living a wonderful life、Shop good sand today, out of the road tomorrow.


105、Don't try so hard, all the pain will end, you will be more strong than in the past, happiness.

106、Anything you want to succeed, must be willing to hard work, and hold on to the end of perseverance.



109、As long as the consciousness of mind, north and south, east and west are all well、If a person not degrees, never escaped.


111、One really strong, not to see what he can do, but to see what he could bear.

112、The joy of the heart is a person living a healthy normal harmonious feel the joy of life.

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