

时间: 2022-12-07 栏目:经典句子


1、I'm a girl,I'm fourteen years old、 I like eating hot pot best、and I like playing tennis best、


3、I have a happy family、My mother is a teacher、she likes singing、and she likes eating hot pot 、she likes piaying sports、so she is very healthy、my mother is strict with me、

4、This is my family、



7、Today, I went out with my best friend、 When we arrived at the park, it rained、 We had to run in the rain because we couldnt find a place to hide、 But we still feel happy because we could comfort each other、 The rain stopped later and I accompanied her go home、 We played in her home for a while and she invited me for dinner、 I refused because I feel it will bring trouble to his family、 I am happy today because the new term is coming、 I really want to see my classmates again、

8、《My family》



11、My father is a policeman、his work is kind of dangerous he likes reading newspaper、he likes eating hot pot too、but he doesn't doing sports、

12、Now I am on the train to Guilin、 The views are beautiful and I feel happy、 Mother told me there is only one day to go to arrive in Guilin、 We bought a lot of stuffs and they are heavy、 So I took some bags from mother、 She said I am growing up and I smiled happily、

  • 上一篇:感到无聊时发的简单一句话内涵说说,不知道发什么说说时感觉有些无聊发的说说(17句)
  • 下一篇:微信个性签名短句2021,微信签名2022年最新版的(62句)
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