

时间: 2023-07-22 栏目:经典句子

1、I have a new classmate, whose name is Jane、 She isone of my good friends now、


3、Jane is a book addict and never spends a day without reading、 The books she reads range fromclassical poems to modern novels、 She also loves singing and dancing、 Her marvelous voiceand appealing dance make her one of the most popular girls in our school、


5、Apart from her striking looks and wide range of hobbies, Jane has an outstandingperformance at her studies、 She is ambitious and aggressive、 She aims really high、 And weall believe that she is always a pride for her family, friends and teachers、

6、Many popular singers are affected by Michael’s music deeply, they imitate Michael’s dance、 Michael’s classic dance likes walking in the outer space, we can see many people imitate him all the time、 Michael is such a great idol, though he has gone, his still influences people、 He is an eternal idol、

7、my grandmother often tells me to be honest、 she expects me to be useful to the people in the future、 i will l

8、Jane is a pretty girl with a round face, twinkling eyesand rosy cheeks、 Her long hair lies back in curls from her delicate ears、 Jane wears glasses andis usually dressed in plain colors、

9、ove her forever、

10、One day, when I woke up and took out my cellphone to read the news, suddenly, the news about Michael Jackson’s death shocked me、 My first reaction was that it was a joke or a rumor, because there was always the news about celebrity’s death which turned out to be a mistake、 But as there more information about this man’s death, the fans realized that their idol had passed away、 It was such heartbroken, Michael Jackson was the great music pioneer、 People lost the great idol、


12、my grandmother is my favorite person、 she is in her early seventies, with a head of gray hair、 she likes leading a simple life、 and she like wearing clothes which are made by herself、

13、my grandmother likes always wear smiles on her face、 she is very kind、 she gets on well with our neighbors、 when they have difficulties, she is always ready to help、 so she is loved and respected by all the neighbors、

  • 上一篇:下雨天的心情唯美句子大全(64句)
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