
英文夸自己老婆的句子 老婆很漂亮用英语怎么说

时间: 2022-12-24 栏目:说说句子

1、I think the future I will accompany you every day on the market 、

2、You can experience in my life, and the most profound feeling、

3、I can not write a love letter, only to write the heart 、

4、For you, I have surrendered unconditionally, you love to sign a contract right、

5、Waiting can become so beautiful, because I love you、

6、If you fall in love with you can be considered a mistake, I am sure it would be the fault of life s most beautiful, I prefer the wrong life 、

7、Drink wine you love wine, if not refill, reluctantly thirst for life、

8、Since I discovered love you later sweet love、

9、Whether this one has been the afterlife Ye I want only you 、

10、Take care of yourself I do not want to wait until the next life to love you again、

11、Want to see your mood is really no way to use a word instead of 、

12、I exhausted all the words you can not describe the beauty、

13、Your words have been locked in my memory of that key for me you will keep it forever、

14、Your name filled in my heart I will always love you let it 、

15、This life I just hold your hand because you already have enough life 、

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