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学霸家庭! 四胞胎同时被哈佛耶鲁录取!

时间: 2017-04-17 09:53; 作者: 作文网 

Quadruplet brothers in Ohio have all been accepted at two Ivy league universities Yale and Harvard, as well as other top universities in the country.美国俄亥俄州一家四胞胎兄弟同时被哈佛和耶鲁两所常青藤大学录取,除此之外,也有其他顶级院校向他们抛来了橄榄枝。The Lakota East High School seniors Aaron, Zachary, Nigel and Nick Wade in their college essays, wrote about being a quadruplet.四兄弟亚伦、扎卡利、尼格尔和尼克均在拉克塔东部高中就读,他们四人在其学校论文中提到了四胞胎的相关经历。Lakota East High School Principal Suzanna Davis, said: "I have had the honor of knowing these boys since they were young because of knowing their mom and dad. I have watched these boys grow up into young men … and as students they epitomize what we would want from high school students."拉克塔东高中的校长苏珊娜·戴维斯说道:“因为我和这几个孩子的父母认识,所以有幸在他们小的时候对他们有所了解,我基本上是一路看着这几个孩子从小长大成人的。可以说,他们就是我们心目中出色高中生的模范和标准。”

Although they have not made their choices, The Washington Post reports that Aaron likes Stanford University and the three others may likely choose Yale.虽然他们目前还没有做出最终决定,但据《华盛顿邮报》报道,亚伦更倾向于选择斯坦福大学,其他三兄弟则比较中意耶鲁大学。When they were younger, their father, Darrin Wade, a software architect for General Electric, would punish disciplinary infractions like lying by making them do situps and push-ups and run around the block.在四兄弟很小的时候,他们的父亲--通用电气的软件设计师达林·韦德会对孩子诸如说谎等违规行为施以惩戒,比如,惩罚他们做仰卧起坐、俯卧撑,或围着街区跑圈等。He and their mother, Kim, principal of Lakota Plains Junior School, also had them do word puzzles, memorize math tables and write book reports at home from a young age, reports NY Times.据《纽约时报》报道,他还和孩子的母亲--拉科塔平原初中的校长吉姆,在孩子幼年时期就给他们布置字谜、记算数表以及写读书报告等家庭作业。"We're grateful to our parents and the Lakota school district because it's really something we couldn't have done on our own without all the support we have had through our lives." the media quoted Nick as saying.媒体在报道时引用了尼克的感言:“我们非常感恩父母以及我们的母校,如果不是他们在生活中给予我们必要的支持和帮助,凭我们一己之力是无法办到的。”According to Nigel, "It's really our parents our friends and our community who have come together and taught us how to be disciplined. Thanks them all." said Nigel.尼克尔则表示:“是我们的父母、朋友以及整个社会教会我们如何自律,非常感谢他们。”

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