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数据显示 全国严重精神障碍患者近430万

时间: 2017-04-17 09:53; 作者: 作文网 

The number of registered patients with serious mental disorders in China reached 5.4 million last year, with three-quarters of them suffering schizophrenia, China's top health authority said last Friday.中国最高卫生部门上周五表示,去年,我国登记严重精神障碍患者540万例,其中3/4在册患者患精神分裂症。Of the patients, 88.7% are under the management of health authorities, and receive public services such as medical care and living subsidies, said Wang Bin, deputy chief for disease control and prevention at the National Health and Family Planning Commission.国家卫计委疾病预防控制局副局长王斌表示,88.7%的在册严重精神障碍患者由卫生相关部门进行管理,享受医疗护理、生活补贴等公共服务。Previous figures released by the commission showed the number of such registered patients was 4.3 million by the end of 2014, with 73.2 percent managed by health authorities.委员会之前公布的数据显示,截止2014年底登记在册的病人人数为430万,其中73.2%的患者在卫生机构的管理之下。

China has been improving mental health services, with the number of institutions that offer such services reaching nearly 3,000 by the end of 2015, compared with only 1,650 in 2010, according to Wang.据王斌介绍,我国在精神卫生服务方面已有所改善;截至2015年年底,我国有精神卫生服务机构近3000家,而2010年,仅1650家机构提供这类服务。Last year, the number of certified psychiatrists in China exceeded 27,700, and the number of psychotherapists in China exceeded 5,000, she added.她还表示,去年,我国已注册的精神科医师的人数超过了27700人,而心理治疗师则有超过5000人。Patients with serious mental disorders have been receiving improved services throughout China with multi-departmental cooperation such as regular follow-up diagnosis and treatment.严重精神障碍的病人一直在接受改良后的治疗服务,比如有规律的后续跟踪诊断和治疗,这些服务遍及全国并由多医科合作。Wang said health authorities will improve capabilities of grassroots hospitals to offer mental health services, such as encouraging top public hospitals to provide training to medical staff.王斌称,卫生相关部门将通过鼓励顶尖公立医院为医务人员进行培训等方式,提高基层医院提供精神卫生服务的能力。

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