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时间: 2017-04-17 09:53; 作者: 作文网 

Uber has said claims it used self-driving technology stolen from Google were "demonstrably false".优步日前宣称,该公司所使用的自驾技术绝不是从谷歌窃取来的。Waymo - a company spun out of Google - filed a lawsuit in February claiming former employee Anthony Levandowski had stolen 14,000 documents relating to LiDAR, a core technology used to guide autonomous vehicles.Waymo公司是从谷歌公司独立出来的一家公司,该公司在二月份的时候提出法律诉讼,声称前职工安东尼·莱万多斯基窃取了有关激光雷达的一万四千份文件。这项科技是无人驾驶技术的核心。Waymo requested a judge grant an injunction on the use of the disputed technology, which could take Uber's self-driving fleet - currently being tested in a few locations in the US - off the roads.Waymo公司要求法官发布强制令,来限制存在争议的科技的使用。这将使优步的无人驾驶汽车不能上路。这些汽车最近刚在美国的几个地方接受了测试。

At a hearing earlier last week, Uber sought to convince a judge that an injunction would be unfair.在上周早些时候,优步试图说服法官该强制令是不公平的。"Waymo's injunction motion is a misfire," said Angela Padilla, a lawyer for Uber, said in a statement. There is no evidence that any of the 14,000 files in question ever touched Uber's servers, and Waymo's assertion that our multi-lens LiDAR is the same as their single-lens LiDAR is clearly false."优步公司的律师安吉拉·帕迪拉在一则声明中表示:“Waymo的限制令提议没有奏效。没有任何证据表明优步的服务器使用了存在争议的一万四千份文件。Waymo声称我们的多镜头激光雷达和他们单镜头激光雷达一模一样,这是完全错误的。”"If Waymo genuinely thought that Uber was using its secrets, it would not have waited more than five months to seek an injunction," Ms. Padilla added. "Waymo doesn't meet the high bar for an injunction, which would stifle our independent innovation - probably Waymo's goal in the first place."帕迪拉女士补充说道:“如果Waymo真的认为优步在使用他们的机密,在五个月之内就会寻求强制令。Waymo公司没有达到强制令的门槛,强制令将扼杀我们独立的创造力,也许这正是Waymo的第一个目标。”

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