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时间: 2017-04-17 09:53; 作者: 作文网 

Oklahoma City guard Russell Westbrook logged his 42nd triple-double game of the season to break my 55-year-old single-season record in that category.雷霆后卫拉塞尔-威少收获了他赛季第42次三双,打破了由我保持的、已经尘封55年的单赛季三双次数纪录。I could not be happier for him. Congratulations to Russell Westbrook on a magnificent season!我由衷的为他感到高兴,祝贺威少打出如此波澜壮阔的赛季!Westbrook’s averages are similar to mine in both scoring and assists (a point higher in scoring, a digit lower in assists). What’s more, he leads the league in scoring by a comfortable margin at 31.9 points per game.威少的场均得分和助攻数据跟我的很相似(得分高出一分,助攻略少一点点)。更重要的是,他以场均31.9分的场均得分轻松领跑联盟得分榜。He’s also matched another 55-year-old record of mine by becoming only the second guard to lead his team in rebounding. He’s leading the Thunder with 10.7 rebounds per game and is in the NBA’s top 10 in that category.而且,他也追平了另一项多年来都无人能破的纪录,成为了55年来第二位领衔球队篮板数的后卫球员——目前他以场均10.7个篮板排在联盟前十位。A Triple-double Tidal Wave三双浪潮This season alone, as of April 4 there were 110 triple-double games in the NBA, far surpassing the previous single-season record of 78 set in 1988-89.这个赛季,截止到4月4日(当地时间),NBA一共诞生了110次三双,大大超过了1988-89赛季的78次的三双纪录。For its first 27 years, the NBA kept records for points, rebounds, assists, field goals attempted and made, and free throws attempted and made. They didn’t start tracking blocked shots, steals or turnovers until 1973-74. (Otherwise Bill Russell and/or Chamberlain would be far and away the leaders in blocked shots.)在NBA创立的前27年里,联盟只记录得分、篮板和助攻、投篮出手及命中,罚球出手及命中等简单的数据。直到1973-74赛季之前,联盟都没有记录封盖、抢断和失误等数据(否则比尔-拉塞尔和威尔特-张伯伦一定会在封盖这项数据上遥遥领先)。It wasn’t until Johnson was anointed as the all-time triple-double leader that someone said, wait a minute, we had better go back and check the records. And that’s when the records showed that I had set single-season and career records while also being the first player to average a triple-double for an entire season.直到“魔术师”约翰逊被认为是联盟历史三双王的时候,突然有人跳出来说,等等,我们最好还是查一下过去的记录吧。直到那时人们才发现我创造了单赛季和职业生涯的三双纪录,同时也成为了第一个在一整个赛季中都保持着场均三双的球员。Who Are The Records Really For?这个纪录究竟是为谁而设的?As an athlete in a team sport, your goal first and foremost is to win games. Records are kept for those games.作为一名职业运动员,你的首要目标必然是赢得胜利。纪录则是随着这些比赛与之俱来的。Records are nice to have and they’re part of your legacy, a hallmark of whatever imprint you made on your particular sport.能够保持纪录是一件不错的事情,他们会成为你荣誉簿的一部分,会给你打上一道独特的印记,令你成为这项运动中独一无二的存在。If someone breaks your record, that means they’ve reached a level of excellence that is quantifiable in some respect, and you have to give them respect for doing so.如果有人打破了你的纪录,就说明他们的杰出程度已经达到了某种可以计量的范畴,人们也应当给他们一些应有的尊重。Westbrook’s journey to tie or break my single-season triple-double records has been remarkable, and I’m happy to congratulate him for doing so. The journey has been great for Westbrook, the NBA, the fans and the media.威少追平并最终打破我所创下的单赛季三双次数的纪录实在是一场非凡的表演,能看到这一天的到来,我感到非常开心,也恭喜他能够做到这一点。这对于他,对于媒体,对于广大球迷而言都是一次伟大的旅程。I admire Westbrook’s all-around command of the game. He is a marvelous athlete who plays with intensity and flair and is exciting to watch. He would have been great in any era.我钦佩威少全能的身手和掌控比赛的能力。他是一名非凡的运动员,他激情四射且才华横溢,他的比赛极具观赏性。这样的演出放在任何时代都堪称伟大。Do Westbrook’s Numbers Make Him The MVP?这样的数据能为他赢得MVP吗?Another question that keeps popping up is whether Westbrook’s numbers qualify him for MVP status. Should the MVP be based on a player’s individual performance, his contributions to his team’s performance, or how well his team does in the standings?另外一个随之而来的问题就是,威少的超级数据能为他赢回MVP吗?MVP的评选准则应该更倾向于球星的个人表现,还是球星对球队的整体贡献,抑或是球队的战绩排名呢?For example, James Harden in Houston has only half as many triple-doubles as Westbrook, but his team has a much better win-loss record.例如火箭的詹姆斯-哈登虽然三双次数只有威少的一半,但是他所在球队的战绩却比雷霆强出不少。The Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James, a perennial MVP candidate, had 12 triple-doubles as of April 4, but his team should contend for the NBA championship once again.骑士的勒布朗-詹姆斯曾经多次荣膺MVP,本赛季“只”打出了12次三双(截止4月4日)但是他所在的球队仍然是总冠军的有力争夺者。

My vote is for Westbrook, and here’s why:然而我还是会投给威少,原因如下:1.He took over the offense for the Oklahoma City Thunder after Kevin Durant’s blockbuster departure for the Golden State Warriors as a free agent changed the team’s composition.1.当凯文-杜兰特令人震惊地以自由球员的身份加盟了勇士队之后,威少以一己之力扛起了雷霆队的进攻。2. This season, he beats any other guard in a head-to-head matchup.2.本赛季他在与联盟任何一位后卫的较量中都击败了他们。3. Most important, he should be rewarded for his outstanding play this season and his career-making individual accomplishments.3.最重要的是,他本赛季卓越的表现和创下职业生涯纪录的个人成就理应得到褒奖。If You’re Allergic To History, Stop Reading Here如果你对历史问题并不感冒,下面的内容就可以放弃了If I take pride in my triple-double stats at all, it is primarily because of the players I competed against in setting those records.如果说我还会为自己的场均三双数据而感到骄傲的话,那一定是因为我在创下这些数据的时候所面对的对手了。Chamberlain, the most dominant player in the history of the game, once admonished a writer, “Don’t ever let them forget how good we were.” Since Chamberlain is no longer with us, I am happy to take up that assignment.张伯伦,NBA历史上最具统治力的大个子,曾经告诫一位记者,“别让后人忘了我们曾经有多么伟大。”虽然张伯伦已经离我们远去,但是我还是想要重新引用他这番话。Five years ago, Fran Blinebury at nba.com did a 12-part series on the 1961-62 season called Season of Giants – a most appropriate title. The 1961-62 season was indeed one for the ages.五年前,在NBA工作的弗兰-比林伯利制作了一部12集的系列片来介绍1961-62赛季,《巨人们的赛季》,这个题目实在是再适合不过了。1961-62赛季也是多年来最配得上这个题目赛季。All things considered, my triple-double stat was only one of many amazing figures in that season of giants.那部纪录片里记录了那个伟大赛季的方方面面,我的三双只是那个赛季伟大画卷里的一部分。Playing every minute of every game for the Philadelphia Warriors,and became the only player to score 100 points in an NBA game.在那个赛季里,张伯伦出战了费城勇士队的每一场比赛,而且一分钟也没有休息过。而且他还成为了联盟历史上唯一一名得到100分的球员。4,000 points. 50.4 points per game. 27.2 rebounds per game. 100 points in a game. Will anyone ever break those records?4000分,场均50.4分,27.2篮板,单场100分。这个纪录有可能会被打破吗?Others Get The Numbers, The Celtics Win The Ring其他人也打出了漂亮的数据,但凯尔特人赢得了总冠军Here were six players who averaged 30 points or more that season, the first and only time that’s happened.那个赛季里一共有6名球员的场均得分超过了30分,这也是NBA历史上仅有的一次。Despite all these individual heroics, it was the Boston Celtics, with their combination of defense, rebounding, and a balanced scoring attack, who won their fourth of 11 NBA titles during Russell’s 13-year career. It was Russell who took home MVP honors in 1961-62.虽然这些人都打出了英雄式的数据,但是综合了防守,篮板以及均衡得分能力的凯尔特人却在赛季里笑到了最后,也为他们赢得了13年11冠中的第四座奖杯。最终凯尔特人的领袖拉塞尔也荣膺当年的MVP。There were 22 Hall of Fame players among the nine teams active at that time, and it was my privilege to play with or against all of them.当时联盟中只有9支球队,却拥有22位名人堂球员。能够与他们同场竞技不论是对手还是队友,都实属我的荣幸。When players like Russell and Chamberlain said “there will be no layups tonight,” you took them seriously.当拉塞尔和张伯伦说“今晚没人能再上篮”了的时候,你真应该把他们当回事。I leave that up to the basketball historians to decide.我把这些事情留给篮球历史学家来决定People always want to compare players and eras, but you really can’t. You have to account for such things as minutes played, games played, changes in scoring, and other changes in the way statistics are kept.人们总想去比较球员,比较不同的时代,但其实你很难做到。你要考虑到很多因素,比如出场时间,出场次数,得分(难易)的改变,还有其他数据统计方式的变化。So I’m not drawn into comparisons between Westbrook and myself, or his era and my era. I leave that up to the basketball historians to decide.所以我不会去比较威少和我自己,也不会比较他打球的时代和我打球的时代,我把这些事情留给篮球历史学家来决定。I know who I played against and what I did, and that’s good enough for me. As far as I’m concerned, my NBA career was defined by being a consummate professional and competing professionally for 14 seasons.我了解我当年的对手,也知道我取得了怎样的成就,对我来说这已经足够优秀了。在我看来,我的NBA生涯就是一名完美职业球员的写照,在职业赛场打拼了14年。My triple-double season and the Milwaukee Bucks’ championship in 1971 were both highlights of that wonderful career.我的场均三双赛季和1971年密尔沃基雄鹿的冠军,都是我的精彩职业生涯的高光时刻。


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