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时间: 2017-04-21 20:51; 作者: 作文网 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed victory on Sunday night in a historic referendum on a new constitution that will hand him sweeping new powers.

土耳其总统雷杰普?塔伊普?埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)周日晚间宣布,在围绕新宪法的历史性公投中取得了胜利。新宪法将赋予他全面的新权力。

But the narrow winning margin fell well short of the 55 per cent mandate he predicted. Opposition parties demanded recounts as results reported by the government-controlled Anatolian news agency showed Mr Erdogan ahead by just 51.3 per cent after 98 per cent of ballots had been counted.


The results included a No majority in Istanbul, the nation’s economic and social powerhouse where Mr Erdogan first built his political base as mayor. It was the first time he had lost an election in the city since 2002.


The vote cemented his role as the most powerful leader in the Turkish Republic’s history and sets the stage for him to rule the country until 2029 — longer than Kemal Ataturk, the nation’s founder.

此次公投巩固了他作为土耳其共和国史上最具权力领导人的角色,并为他统治土耳其直至2029年奠定了基础——届时他主政的时间将超过现代土耳其的创立者凯末尔?阿塔图尔克(Kemal Ataturk)。

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