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时间: 2017-04-21 20:51; 作者: 作文网 

The Trump administration has signalled it would hold back from any immediate military or diplomatic response to a failed missile launch by North Korea but warned of “other actions” if Pyongyang proceeded with a nuclear test.


National security adviser Lieutenant General HR McMaster cited last week’s US missile strike on a Syrian air base as he said on Sunday that President Donald Trump was “clearly comfortable making tough decisions” and that a range of options were being developed.

美国国家安全顾问、陆军中将赫伯特?雷蒙德?麦克马斯特(HR McMaster)周日表示,唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)总统“显然敢于做出艰难的决定”,目前美方正在拟定一系列选择。他提到了上周美国对叙利亚一个空军基地发动的导弹袭击。

Separately, a foreign policy adviser travelling to Asia with vice-president Mike Pence said that if it had been a nuclear test, “other actions would have been taken by the US”.

与此同时,随同美国副总统迈克?彭斯(Mike Pence)出访亚洲的一名外交政策顾问表示,如果朝鲜进行了核试验,“美国本来会采取其他行动”。

North Korea test-launched a ballistic missile early on Sunday, with the weapon exploding almost immediately in a failure that came only a day after Pyongyang displayed several new missiles at a huge military parade.


Tension is rising on the Korean peninsula, with Beijing warning last week that a “storm is about to break” because of rising brinkmanship. Mr Trump has ordered an aircraft carrier group, led by the USS Carl Vinson, to the region, which is expected to arrive this week.

朝鲜半岛的紧张局势正在上升,上周北京警告说,由于有关各方距离悬崖边缘越来越近,朝鲜半岛冲突一触即发。特朗普已命令美国卡尔文森号航空母舰(USS Carl Vinson)等战舰开赴朝鲜半岛海域,这个航母打击群预计本周抵达目的地海域。

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