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马云发出邀请 阿里巴巴6月将在底特律举办会议

时间: 2017-05-07 15:22; 作者: 作文网 

Jack Ma announced last Tuesday that Alibaba will host a two-day conference in Detroit in June to teach US businesses how to sell to the company's 443 million customers in China on the world's biggest e-commerce site.


The act aims to fulfill a promise he made to US President Donald Trump in January, shortly after he was elected: Get 1 million small and medium-sized US businesses enrolled on his online platforms to sell their products to China's growing middle class and create 1 million jobs in the US over five years.


Jennifer Kuperman, head of international corporate communications at Alibaba, said that the 1 million figure is nothing but "conservative".


"If you think about the number of businesses on our platform, if they even hire one person to help with the demand from Chinese consumers, that gets you to a million jobs; so that's very simple."


Brion Tingler, head of external affairs for Alibaba, said that Detroit is an ideal location for the event.


"Detroit has a long history of selling to China. Detroit is also considered home to some of America's greatest ingenuity and innovation and its location is convenient to attract small business people and farmers from the heartland," he said.


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