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Galaxy S8逆境重生 三星第一季度净利润创3年新高

时间: 2017-05-07 15:22; 作者: 作文网 

Demand for memory chips and flat screens for televisions and phones has given Samsung Electronics its best quarterly profits in three years.


The South Korean tech giant reported a 48% jump in operating profits to $8.8bn for the three months to March.


Samsung said it expected further growth in memory chip orders and a pick up in earnings from its phone business.


It is relying on its new Galaxy S8 and S8+ smartphones to help rebuild its reputation after the Note 7 fiasco.

在Note 7惨败之后,三星公司主要依靠其最新的Galaxy S8和S8+智能手机重建其声誉。

Last October it had to scrap the Galaxy Note 7 after recalling 2.5 million handsets. Batteries were blamed for overheating in the phones, which caused some of them to catch fire.

去年十月,在该公司召回了250万部Galaxy Note 7之后,这款手机不得不遭到放弃。其电池造成了手机过热,进而发生了一些起火事件。

The two S8 devices launched last week and no sales figures are yet available, but Samsung said pre-orders had been 30% higher than for the Galaxy S7 in 2016.

上周,Galaxy S8和S8+对外发布,虽然尚无销售数据公布,但三星方面表示,其订单数量比2016年发布的Galaxy S7要多出了30%。

Despite the financial success, Samsung remains mired in scandal with its de-facto head Lee-Jae Yong on trial over his alleged role in a corruption scandal that brought down South Korean President Park Geun-hye.


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