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时间: 2017-05-23 10:29; 作者: 作文网 

Artists with Universal, the world's largest music company, will be available on Tencent's QQ Music, KuGou and Kuwo services.


The deal not only covers Tencent's own platforms but also allows it to exclusively sub-license Universal Music's content to third-party music service providers in China.


The Chinese internet giant says it already provides more than 17 million songs to 600 million monthly active users.


Entertainment industry veteran and president of Music Matters Jasper Donat told the BBC it could be a "game changer" for the music industry in the Asia Pacific region.

娱乐行业资深人士、Music Matters的总裁贾斯珀·多纳特向BBC透露,这可能“颠覆”亚太地区音乐行业的“游戏规则”。

"Tencent is solidifying their claims as the only legitimate streaming service in China and their reputation as a trustworthy partner in the music industry," he said.


The chairman and chief executive of Universal Music Group, Lucian Grainge, said recent developments in technology and the commercial environment in China meant is was "the right time for an innovative strategic partnership with a leading Chinese company like Tencent".


Lucian added that Tencent could help to speed up China's "music ecosystem" and "inspire growth in creative and commercial opportunities for all artists".


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