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马云超王健林成中国内地首富 马化腾紧追其后

时间: 2017-05-23 10:29; 作者: 作文网 

Jack Ma, chairman of China's e-commerce leader Alibaba Group, has surpassed Wang Jianlin, chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, to become the richest man in the Chinese mainland, according to Forbes magazine.


As of last Friday, Ma's fortune was worth $30.9 billion, compared with $30.7 billion for Wang. Ma Huateng, chairman of Tencent, took the third spot with $29.7 billion.


Ma took the crown thanks to Alibaba's share price. Wang has made his wealth mainly from real estate and the entertainment industry.


In the past few years, Jack Ma and Wang Jianlin have rotated the No 1 spot in mainland's wealth rankings.


However, the rankings may be poised for another shakeup as Ma Huateng's wealth increased rapidly following a run-up in the stock price of Tencent Holdings. Ma Huateng's wealth is just $1 billion less compared with Ma and Wang.


Currently, Asia's richest man is Li Ka-shing of Hong Kong, with a fortune worth $32.9b, according to Forbes.


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