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报复神经毒剂袭击 英国驱逐23名俄外交官

时间: 2018-03-19 10:17; 作者: 作文网 
Britain will expel 23 Russian diplomats it says are undeclared spies and suspend all high-level contact with Moscow, in the first retaliation for suspected Russian involvement in the attack on double-agent Sergei Skripal.

英国将驱逐23名俄罗斯外交官,称他们都是未向英方报备的间谍,并暂停与莫斯科方面的所有高层接触。这是英国对俄罗斯被怀疑参与袭击双面间谍谢尔盖斯克里帕尔(Sergei Skripal)事件采取的首个报复举措。
Theresa May vowed a robust response by Britain to a “well-established pattern of Russian state aggression”, raising the possibility that the diplomatic clash between Moscow and London would deteriorate into a wider international stand-off.
特里萨梅(Theresa May,见文首照片)誓言英国将对“俄罗斯国家敌对行为的成熟模式”做出强有力回应,这引发了莫斯科与伦敦之间的外交冲突将恶化为更广泛国际对峙的可能性。
The UK prime minister said that the expulsion of diplomats was the largest for more than 30 years and would “fundamentally degrade” Russia’s intelligence ability in the UK for years to come. The expelled officials, who have a week to leave, represent nearly half of Russia’s 58 diplomats in the UK.
Mrs May added that no ministers nor members of the royal family would attend this summer’s football World Cup in Russia, and an invitation to Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, to visit the UK will be revoked.
梅补充说,英国的部长级官员或王室成员不会出席今夏在俄罗斯举行的世界杯足球赛,而对俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)发出的访英邀请将被撤销。
She also backed new laws against “all forms of hostile state activity”, including a power to detain at the border those suspected of such activity. New counter-espionage powers will be considered by the Home Office, while the government will propose a Magnitsky-style clause to the sanctions bill, allowing measures against those involved in human rights abuses.
她还支持针对“一切形式的敌对国家活动”出台新法律,包括在边境拘留被怀疑从事这种活动的人士的权力。英国内政部(Home Office)将考虑新的反间谍权力,而政府将在制裁法案中提议类似美国《全球马格尼茨基人权问责法》(The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act,授权美国政府对侵犯人权的国外人士实施制裁)的条款,授权对侵犯人权的人采取措施。
报复神经毒剂袭击 英国驱逐23名俄外交官.jpg

Earlier on Wednesday, the Russian ambassador in London, Alexander Yakovenko, said that Britain’s response was “absolutely unacceptable” and “a provocation”.

周三早些时候,俄罗斯驻英国大使亚历山大雅科文科(Alexander Yakovenko)在伦敦表示,英国的回应是“绝对不能接受的”,是“挑衅行为”。
Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found seriously ill in Salisbury on March 4. The UK’s response is greater than the reaction after the killing of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006, when four Russian diplomats were expelled. In the intervening period, bilateral relations were further damaged by Russian intervention in Ukraine and Syria.
3月4日,斯克里帕尔和他的女儿尤利娅斯克里帕尔(Yulia Skripal)在英格兰索尔兹伯里被发现病危。此次英国的回应大于2006年前克格勃特工亚历山大利特维年科(Alexander Litvinenko)在伦敦被杀后作出的反应,当时英国驱逐了4名俄罗斯外交官。近年俄罗斯对乌克兰和叙利亚的干预进一步损害了双边关系。
The UK had given Moscow a deadline of midnight on Tuesday to provide a “credible response” after identifying one of its nerve agents had been used in the attack on the Skripals. Kremlin officials responded by denying Russian involvement, demanding samples of the chemical in question, and threatening retaliation against British diplomats.
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