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时间: 2018-03-29 08:32; 作者: 作文网 

Chinese conglomerate HNA’s efforts to strengthen its finances have been dealt a blow with the collapse of plans to raise up to SFr1.3bn ($1.37bn) by listing Gategroup, the Swiss airline catering business it acquired less than two years ago.


HNA planned to float up to 65 per cent of Gategroup on the Swiss stock exchange today, but just hours before trading was due to start, the listing was abandoned after potential investors apparently baulked at the proposed terms.


The failure of the initial public offering highlighted wariness about taking stakes in companies alongside HNA, although bankers close to the deal said it also flopped because of the price.


“There was too big a gap in valuation between their expectations,” said one person close to the deal.


HNA has an estimated $20bn in debt maturing this year or next. The company has sold some assets and extended credit arrangements with banks which — until the Gategroup setback — had helped it navigate a turbulent first three months of the year.


The IPO’s collapse also cast doubt on whether HNA would push ahead with separate plans to raise money from a public offering of shares from aviation services group Swissport.


That listing could prove even more challenging than Gategroup’s because Swissport’s finances are more intertwined with its Chinese parent, due to a series of short-term loans the Swiss group has made to HNA affiliates.


“Gategroup has a much cleaner structure and is significantly lower leveraged than Swissport,” said one bond investor.


Swissport yesterday reaffirmed its intention to seek an IPO in the second quarter of this year. Preparations were “well on track”, it said.


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