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时间: 2018-03-30 18:44; 作者: 作文网 

China’s largest ever naval manoeuvres in the disputed South China Sea were a routine training exercise, the defence ministry said in its first comments about a deployment of 40 warships carried out this week.


The ships included China’s only operational aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, accompanied by dozens of other vessels sailing south of the Chinese island province of Hainan. They were recorded by satellite images first published on Monday.


Analysts said the exercises sent a message to western navies to steer clear of the South China Sea. China claims about 85 per cent of the disputed sea and has built a half-dozen artificial islands to buttress its assertion.


Yue Gang, a retired colonel in the Peoples’ Liberation Army, said the manoeuvres were likely to be a direct response to an exercise by the USS Carl Vinson, a US supercarrier that sailed through the area in February.

解放军退役上校岳刚表示,此次演练很可能是对美国卡尔文森号航空母舰(USS Carl Vinson) 2月份通过南海的回应。

China’s show of naval strength also hinted that Beijing was frustrated about regular visits by US warships — known as freedom of navigation operations — to disputed waters claimed by China.


“This is certainly the largest scale [operation] in the South China Sea region,” said Mr Yue. “The US aircraft carrier has stayed long within this region. China now is showing that it’s not afraid.”


Ren Guoqiang, China’s defence ministry spokesman, said on Thursday that the ships were carrying out routine training, and that the manoeuvres were not directed at any country.


“It’s aim is to test the training capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army and enhance their training capabilities. It is also aimed at improving combat abilities of the whole military,” he said.


The exercise by the PLA Navy was also likely intended to send a message about China’s resolve over the breakaway territory of Taiwan, experts said. The Liaoning sailed through the straights of Taiwan to get to the exercise location, angering Taipei.


“With the addition of the carrier, that’s the biggest show of force I have ever seen the PLAN conduct in all my years of PLA watching,” said Gary Li, an expert on the Chinese military with APCO Worldwide, a consultancy in Beijing. He said it would also send a strong message to the US as it considered imposing tough trade measures against China.

“随着航空母舰加入编队,这是我关注解放军这么多年来看到的解放军海军的最大规模实力展示,”北京咨询公司安可(APCO Worldwide)的Gary Li表示。他说,在美国考虑对中国采取强硬的贸易措施之际,这也将向美国发出强有力的信息。

“It’s a clear message to the Americans that territorial sovereignty is not up for discussion over the trade talks,” he said.


The manoeuvres appeared to be intended mainly to show presence, with ships sailing in a line, rather than practising surface combat.


Euan Graham, director of the Lowy Institute in Sydney, called the exercise “a giant floating photo opportunity”.

悉尼智库洛伊研究所(Lowy Institute)的主任尤安?格雷厄姆(Euan Graham)形容此次演练是“一个巨大的漂浮拍照机会”。

“But any operational significance is more for the midterm future, once China’s navy starts to operate more powerful aircraft carriers,” he said. Liaoning, with its Soviet warship hull and “ski jump” deck, was little more than a training vessel, he said.


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