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时间: 2018-05-25 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

President Donald Trump threatened to push the government into a shutdown if Congress does not fund his border wall and change the nation's immigration laws. 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普近日威胁称,如果国会不拨款修建隔离墙并修改美国的移民法,那么他就要让政府关门。 "I would be willing to 'shut down' government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!" Trump tweeted. 特朗普发推称:“如果民主党不支持边界安全政策,包括修建隔离墙,那么我就要让政府关门。必须终结'绿卡抽签'、'抓了又放'等等做法,最终实行择优的移民制度!我们需要优秀的人进入我们国家!” Trump has previously floated the possibility of a government shutdown over border security and immigration. 特朗普此前就曾扬言,可能会就边界安全问题和移民问题让政府关门。

In May, Trump suggested "closing up the country for a while" if he did not get his wall. 今年五月,特朗普曾暗示,如果他没有从墨西哥处得到资金修建隔离墙,那么他将关闭边界线一段时间。 "They don't want the wall," Trump said. "But we're going to get the wall, even if we have to think about closing up the country for a while." 特朗普当时说道:“他们不想要这堵墙。但是我们要建起这堵墙,就算我们不得不考虑关闭边界线一段时间。” Sunday's shutdown threat from Trump also echoed a remark he made in February when he said "I'd love to see a shutdown" if the government did not agree to address immigration. 特朗普的这次关停威胁,也与他在今年二月份时做出的言论相呼应。当时他称,如果政府没有就解决移民问题达成一致,那么我宁愿看到它关停。

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