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时间: 2018-06-09 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

China's market regulator has announced an investigation into reports of counterfeit goods being sold on Pinduoduo, the Tencent-backed shopping site which last week listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. 近日,中国市场监管机构宣布对媒体报道的有关拼多多售假问题开展调查。拼多多是一家由腾讯投资的购物网站,与上周才在纳斯达克上市。 The statement from the State Administration for Market Regulation said it had ordered Shanghai's Industry and Commerce Bureau to interview the platform's operators and told local regulatory bodies in China to "conscientiously carry out investigations" into media and consumer reports of intellectual property violations. 中国国家市场监督管理总局发布的声明称,已经要求上海市工商局约谈该平台的经营者,并要求中国各地监管部门对媒体反映的以及消费者投诉举报的侵犯知识产权问题“认真开展调查”。 "Regardless of whether it is by third parties or internal platform operators, whenever there is illegality it will be dealt with severely in accordance with the law" the administration said. 该管理部门称:“不管是第三方平台还是平台内经营者,只要构成违法,都将依法严肃处理。”

Within just three years, Pinduoduo has grown to become China's third-largest e-commerce site, with a 5.2 per cent market share, behind Alibaba's 58.2 per cent and JD.com's 16.3 per cent. 在短短3年时间里,拼多多已成长为中国第三大电子商务网站,市场份额为5.2%,仅次于阿里巴巴的58.2%和京东的16.3%。 The move by Chinese regulators follows a lawsuit filed in New York federal court against Pinduoduo shortly before its initial public offering by diaper brand Daddy's Choice, which alleged the platform had allowed the sale of unauthorised or counterfeit products that infringed on its intellectual property. 早些时候,在拼多多进行首次公开发行(IPO)之前不久,纸尿裤品牌“爸爸的选择”就已向纽约联邦法院提起诉讼,指控拼多多平台上销售未经授权或侵犯其知识产权的仿冒产品。 Pinduoduo did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the China News Service. 拼多多方面没有立即回应中新社的置评请求。

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