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时间: 2018-06-04 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

It's not exactly pennies from heaven, but McDonald's is planning to make it rain coins to celebrate the Big Mac's 50th anniversary. 这肯定不是来自天堂的硬币,但是金拱门为了纪念巨无霸50周年来了一场金币雨。 Starting at the lunch rush on Thursday, customers can receive a MacCoin with the purchase of a Big Mac at 14,000 participating restaurants across the United States, McDonald's announced Sunday. 麦当劳周日宣布,活动从本周四中午开始全美14000家麦当劳,凡购买巨无霸套餐即可获得一枚巨无霸币。 And what's the coin good for? Another Big Mac. 这个硬币可以用来干嘛,可以买另外一个巨无霸。 Customers can redeem the new currency for a free Big Mac starting Friday and running throughout the rest of 2018. 消费者可以认为这个硬币可以换一个免费巨无霸,从周五开始兑换到2018年底。 In an Interview with USA TODAY, McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook explained Thursday was selected as the release date for the brass-colored coins because it would've been the 100th birthday of Jim Delligatti, a McDonald's franchisee in western Pennsylvania who invented the Big Mac. 在周四接受《今日美国》的采访时,麦当劳首席执行官Steve Easterbrook解释说,之所以发行这个古铜色硬币,是为了纪念麦当劳的在宾州西部连锁商Jim Delligatti诞辰100周年,就是他发明了巨无霸。 The coin idea sprung from the role that the Big Mac has played in measuring purchasing power. 这个硬币的诞生还扮演着衡量巨无霸购买力的作用。

The Big Mac has become an American icon over its 50-year run. In 2007, the Big Mac Museum Restaurant was established in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, to honor the juicy burger. Its Big Mac sculpture is 14 feet tall and 12 feet in diameter. 巨无霸在美国有超过50年的历史,现在已经俨然成了美国的一个标志。2007年还在宾夕法尼亚北亨廷顿建造了巨无霸博物馆,来标榜他们鲜美多汁的汉堡。他们给巨无霸塑像,高14英寸高,直径大12英尺。 And in 2016, McDonald's division in the United Kingdom auctioned off a 740-milliliter bottle of sauce used in the burger for roughly $95,000 on eBay. 在2016年,在英国一瓶740毫升巨无霸的酱汁在eBay上拍卖高达95000英镑。 McDonald's sold 1.3 billion Big Macs last year, according to the chain. 根据整个连锁店数据,去年麦当劳一共卖出了13亿个巨无霸。

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