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时间: 2018-06-29 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

This is not the way to welcome Queen Elizabeth home! 这不该是欢迎伊丽莎白女王回家的方式! The 92-year-old monarch officially moved into Balmoral Castle in Scotland for her annual summer break on Monday, but one naughty animal's inopportune bathroom break nearly upstaged her arrival. 周一这位92岁高龄的女王正式来访苏格兰的巴尔莫勒尔城堡,享受一年一度的暑假,但某个顽皮的小动物却在她前面不合时宜地上了个厕所。 Shetland pony Cruachan IV, the mascot of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, was on-hand to greet the Queen after she inspected the Balaclava Company, 5 Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland. 在女王在视察了苏格兰皇家军团5营Balaclava连队后,苏格兰皇家军团的吉祥物——设得兰小马Cruachan四世正准备迎接女王。

However, the 4-year-old miniature horse decided to relieve himself then and there, causing Queen Elizabeth to turn away and shield her nose from the smell with her hand. 然而,这只4岁的小马驹决定就地大小便,使得伊丽莎白女王转过脸,用手挡住了她的鼻子。 A guard standing behind the Queen couldn’t help but smile at the awkward moment. 在这尴尬的时刻,女王身后的一个卫兵忍不住笑了出来。 This isn’t the first time Cruachan misbehaved in the presence of the longtime horse lover. 这不是Cruachan第一次在这位一生爱马的人士面前捣乱了。 The pony tried to take a nibble of Queen Elizabeth’s bouquet of flowers while she visited Stirling Castle alongside husband Prince Philip to mark her 70th anniversary as Colonel-in-Chief of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in July 2017. 2017年7月,女王与丈夫菲利普亲王一同前往斯特灵城堡,纪念她担任阿格尔和苏瑟兰高地人名誉上校70周年的时候,这只小马驹曾试图咬一口伊丽莎白女王的花束。 “Get away!” she said as she hid the bouquet behind her back and gave the pony a pat on the head. “走开”她一边说,一边把花束藏在背后,还在小马头上拍了一下。

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