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时间: 2018-08-12 09:13; 作者: 作文网 

Meghan Markle has reportedly declined an invitation to the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles next month. 据报道,梅根·马克尔拒绝了下月于洛杉矶举办的艾美奖邀请函。 The former Suits star is said to have 'politely turned down' the invitation and that her decision was a 'line in the sand' between her acting career and new life as a royal. 据说梅根“礼貌地婉拒”了邀请,这个决定也是在演员和王室成员的身份间“划清了界限”。 'Show executives and NBC had offered Harry and her an invitation to celebrate with the biggest stars around, meet her showbiz friends and even present an honor,' the source told the publication. 有线人告诉媒体:“艾美奖执行总监和美国广播公司给哈里和梅根都发出了邀请函,希望两位和巨星共同庆祝这个奖项,见见演艺圈的朋友,也是份巨大的荣耀。”


'We had hoped Meghan would attend as a way of saying goodbye to her Suits fans and colleagues.' “我们希望梅根能参加,也算是对《金装律师》粉丝和同事的一个告别。” The 37-year-old had been put forward for an Emmy award for her role as Rachel Zane on her final season of Suits. 但是梅根最终放弃了《金装律师》最后一季Rachel Zane这个角色,也放弃了艾美奖。 Her name had been submitted for the Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series category but the newly-minted royal never ended up being nominated. 以前,梅根曾申请过为电视剧最佳女配角,但是从未获得提名。 Meghan was based in Toronto filming the TV show when she met Prince Harry in 2016, and starred in seven seasons of the drama. 2016年和哈里王子相遇时梅根正在多伦多拍摄这部剧,已经出演了七季。 She revealed she would be quitting acting after announcing their engagement back in November. 十一月,梅根和哈里宣布订婚后,梅根称将退出演艺圈。

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