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时间: 2018-06-14 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Victoria,the mother-of-four shared her beauty secrets as part of a segment on ITV's This Morning. 维多利亚,这位四个孩子的母亲在ITV(Independent Television独立电视台,简称ITV,是英国第二大无线电视经营商)的This Morning节目中分享了她的美丽秘密。 She explained: 'I use £2 coconut oil, the kind of oil that you would cook with for example. 她解释说:“我用售价2英镑的椰子油,那种你可以用来烹饪的油。” 'I use it all over my body as well, because it's really, really moisturising.' “我用它涂抹全身,因为它真的非常非常保湿。” 'I'm not a supermodel, not a make-up artist; I'm a real woman,' she said. ' 我不是超模,也不是化妆师;我是一个真正的女人,”她说。 'I've always loved make-up.I'm very girly, I used to sit and watch my mum get ready. She was always very glam.' “我很喜欢化妆。我很女孩子气,过去我常常坐着看妈妈打扮。她总是很迷人。” She also revealed how she eats avocado, oily fish, and nuts, to ensure she has a glowing complexion. 她还透露了她是如何吃鳄梨、油性鱼和坚果的,以确保她有一个容光焕发的皮肤。 Explaining how diet is essential when it comes to glowing skin, she added: 'I make sure I eat a lot of avocado, oily fish and nuts. It starts on the inside.' 她解释说,对于容光焕发的皮肤来说,饮食是很重要的,她补充道:“我会确保自己吃很多鳄梨,油性鱼和坚果。好皮肤是从内部开始的。” Victoria's latest beauty hack is much more affordable than other skincare products she has recommended to her fans. 维多利亚最新的美容产品比她向粉丝推荐的其他护肤品要便宜得多。 Last month, she revealed on Instagram Stories that she uses an £118 vitamin C mask to give her skin a boost. 上个月,她在Instagram Stories上透露,她使用的是售价118英镑的维生素C面膜,能够提亮她的皮肤。

The product, which you leave on overnight, is designed to revitalise dry and dull skin, and give it a natural glow. 这款产品敷上一整晚,它可以让你干燥和暗沉的皮肤恢复元气,让它焕发出自然的光彩。 It is said to help reduce hyper-pigmentation and redness, with the vitamin C helping to protect the skin. 据说它有助于减少色素沉着和红肿,维生素C有助于保护皮肤。 Victoria also recently sang the praises of La Mer's Moisturizing Gel Cream, which is priced at £120. 维多利亚最近还推荐La Mer海蓝之谜的保湿凝胶膏,售价120英镑。 Again posting on Instagram Stories, she wrote: 'I'm obsessed with this. Makes your skin feel incredible!' 她又在Instagram Stories上写道:“我对这个很着迷。让你的皮肤感觉不可思议!“

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