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时间: 2018-06-15 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

The General Office of the State Council of China last Wednesday announced that the name of the National Science, Technology and Education Leading Group has been changed to the National Science and Technology Leading Group. 国务院办公厅上周三宣布,国家科技教育领导小组正式更名为国家科技领导小组。 It will be headed by Premier Li Keqiang and Vice-Premier Liu He will serve as the deputy director. 国务院总理李克强和副总理刘鹤将分别担任组长和副组长。 The major responsibilities of the group will include studying and reviewing national strategies, plans and major policies for sci-tech development; deliberating major national scientific tasks and projects, and coordinating major sci-tech affairs among ministries, departments and local authorities. 该小组的主要职责将包括研究和审查国家科技发展战略、计划以及主要政策;审议国家重大科学任务和项目,协调各部委和地方政府间重大科技事务。

The other 14 group members are mainly heads from ministries and departments in relevant fields, such as the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Science and Technology. 其他14名成员主要来自国家发展和改革委员会、教育部、科技部等相关领域的部委领导。 The office of the leading group will be set up in the Ministry of Science and Technology and undertake the routine work of the group. Wang Zhigang, minister of science and technology and a member of the group, will be the director of the office. 领导小组办公室将设在科技部,承担小组的日常工作。科技部部长兼该小组成员王志刚将担任办公室主任。 The National Science, Technology and Education Leading Group was first established in June 1998 in a bid to advance the level of the country's science and technology and education, and promote the development of economic and social undertakings. 国家科技教育领导小组成立于1998年6月,旨在提高国家科技教育水平,促进经济社会事业的发展。

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