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中国游戏市场发展迅速 2018上半年创收逾千亿

时间: 2018-06-04 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

The mobile gaming industry is gaining greater momentum in China as tech-savvy millennials' purchasing power increases. 由于精通科技的千禧一代购买力增强,我国移动游戏产业发展势头加速。 The gaming market grew 5.2% year-on-year to reach 105 billion yuan in the first half of this year, according to a report from industry database Gamma Data Corp. 行业数据库伽马数据公司的报告显示,今年上半年,中国游戏市场销售收入1050亿元,同比增长5.2%。 Mobile gaming accounted for 60.4% of total game sales, contributing 63.41 billion yuan, remaining a main driving force behind the world's largest gaming market. 其中,移动游戏市场销售收入为634.1亿元,占比60.4%,移动游戏仍是中国这一世界最大游戏市场增长的主要动力。

The number of mobile gamers grew 5.4 percent year-on-year to hit 460 million in the first half, 87 percent of total gamers nationwide. Most players are born in the 1990s and 2000s, a group referred to as millennials. 今年上半年,移动游戏玩家的数量同比增长了5.4%,达到了4.6亿人,占全国游戏玩家总数的87%。其中大多数玩家都出生于上世纪90年代至本世纪初,这个群体被称为“千禧一代”。 Gamma Data's report said game developers need to seek new ways to expand, as China saw a slowdown in first-half domestic mobile game revenues. 伽马数据的报告称,上半年国内移动游戏收入增速已经放缓,因此游戏开发者需寻找新的增长途径。 The report said, as the mobile gaming sector becomes increasingly competitive, gaming companies have shifted their focus from rapid market expansion to refined management and operation in specific market segments, including female-targeted games and the ACG sector. 报告指出,随着移动游戏行业的竞争日益激烈,游戏公司已经将重心从快速的市场扩张转向了在特定细分市场的精细管理和运营,包括针对女性的游戏和ACG模块。 According to the report, female gamers contributed 24.15 billion yuan to domestic game sales in the first six months of 2018, up 13.5% year-on-year. 该报告称,今年上半年,女性游戏爱好者为国内游戏销售收入贡献241.5亿元,同比增长13.5%。

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